Highlighting the increase in antibiotic prescribing by dental practices during Covid-19 to encourage dental antibiotic stewardship and improvements in service delivery

Impact: Health and wellbeing, Awareness and understanding, Attitudes and behaviours, Policy


Wendy's research was used within a House of Commons debate about the effect of the Covid-19 on dental services.

It was also cited by UK Health Security Agency's 2020 to 2021 report on English surveillance programme for antimicrobial utilisation and resistance (ESPAUR). As a result of this report's finding that dentistry was the only part of the NHS to experience an increase in antibiotic prescribing, a new focus has been placed on dental antibiotic stewardship and improvements in public service delivery.
Impact date2021
Category of impactHealth and wellbeing, Awareness and understanding, Attitudes and behaviours, Policy
Impact levelEngagement

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Policy@Manchester