New-generation Children’s Zones: Supporting schools and their partners to implement long-term sustainable change in disadvantaged areas

Impact: Societal impacts


University of Manchester research has enabled schools and their state and voluntary-sector partners to develop new, complex, multi-partner, place-based strategies, which are improving outcomes for vulnerable children in high-poverty neighbourhoods. Specifically, the research team have worked UK-wide with national charities and administrations, schools and Local Authorities, to co-design locally-tailored, neighbourhood-focused, Children’s Zone initiatives (CZIs). These are underpinned by the research team’s conceptually and empirically-rigorous model for a new generation of CZIs. The resulting new CZIs – in England already encompassing communities with ≥ 235 schools and ≥85,000 children – have been enabled to:
1. catalyse and sustain their development
2. plan strategically for long-term sustainable change
3. establish innovative, locally-bespoke configurations of partners and interventions
4. improve outcomes for children, families, schools and services, however challenging their situations.
Impact date20152020
Category of impactSocietal impacts