Poverty Reduction’s Influence On Risk factors for non-communicable diseases: a systems approach. https://sites.manchester.ac.uk/prior/

Impact: Health and wellbeing, Attitudes and behaviours, Economic, Policy, Society and culture, Technological


Poverty Reduction’s Influence On Risk factors for non-communicable diseases: a systems approach (PRIOR) is a project aiming to transform deprived communities in the north of England through interventions that empower individuals to escape debt and poverty, and improve their mental and physical health.
Category of impactHealth and wellbeing, Attitudes and behaviours, Economic, Policy, Society and culture, Technological
Impact levelEngagement

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Global inequalities
  • Manchester Urban Institute
  • Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing
  • Policy@Manchester
  • Digital Futures