Risk Assessment and suicide prevention: Improving skills and confidence of frontline workers internationally through STORM training

Impact: Society and culture, Economic, Health and wellbeing


In 2019 there were more than 6,700 suicides registered in the UK and approximately 800,000 worldwide. Training professionals is essential for suicide prevention. The University of Manchester developed and evaluated skills-based training for frontline professionals to assess and manage people at risk of self-harm and suicide. Since 2014, STORM (Skills Training on Risk Management) Skills Training CIC’s turnover is in excess of £1.2 million in a competitive global environment. It has supported six permanent staff and has trained 323 facilitators, who have subsequently trained over 90,000 frontline professionals in the UK and internationally. STORM’s financial surplus supports pro bono national and international work - a core STORM principle is that no-one should profit from another person’s distress.
Impact dateAug 2013Jul 2020
Category of impactSociety and culture, Economic, Health and wellbeing
Impact levelAdoption