Transforming wellbeing provision in education: changing the way that schools identify, monitor and provide support for mental health needs among their pupils

Impact: Societal impacts, Political impacts


Our research has transformed the way that schools in England identify, monitor and provide support for pupils’ mental health:

1. Primary schools across England now use evidence-based guidance to inform their social and emotional learning practices.
2. Nearly 300 primary and secondary schools in 68 Local Authorities (20% of LAs in England) have implemented our Wellbeing Measurement Framework (WMF) to systematically assess and monitor the mental health of over 100,000 pupils, using the data gathered to inform their provision.
3. Blackpool and Newham LAs have introduced universal screening approaches to enable earlier identification of emergent mental health difficulties in their pupil population (totalling >22,000 in eligible year groups), using the data generated to inform referral for targeted provision.
4. Newham have made decisions to adapt and maintain targeted interventions for vulnerable children and young people.
Impact date20142020
Category of impactSocietal impacts, Political impacts