Alliance Manchester Business School - Executive Education

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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  • Joy, sorrow and invisible work and theoretical inconveniences in the labour process of community nurses

    Elliott, L. & Chambers, N., 15 Jan 2025, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Journal of Health, Organization and Management.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Open Access
  • Open Access
  • Design and development of a digital diagnostic Clinical Pathway: Evidence from an action research study

    Calabrese, A., D'Uffizi, A., Levialdi Ghiron, N., Berloco, L., Pourabbas, E. & Proudlove, N., 9 Feb 2024, In: European Journal of Innovation Management. 27, 9, p. 94-126 33 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Detailed report on the measurement of the positive muon anomalous magnetic moment to 0.20 ppm

    Aguillard, D. P., Albahri, T., Allspach, D., Anisenkov, A., Badgley, K., Baessler, S., Bailey, I., Bailey, L., Baranov, V. A., Barlas-Yucel, E., Barrett, T., Barzi, E., Bedeschi, F., Berz, M., Bhattacharya, M., Binney, H. P., Bloom, P., Bono, J., Bottalico, E. & Bowcock, T. & 173 others, Braun, S., Bressler, M., Cantatore, G., Carey, R. M., Casey, B. C. K., Cauz, D., Chakraborty, R., Chapelain, A., Chappa, S., Charity, S., Chen, C., Cheng, M., Chislett, R., Chu, Z., Chupp, T. E., Claessens, C., Convery, M. E., Corrodi, S., Cotrozzi, L., Crnkovic, J. D., Dabagov, S., Debevec, P. T., Di Falco, S., Di Sciascio, G., Donati, S., Drendel, B., Driutti, A., Duginov, V. N., Eads, M., Edmonds, A., Esquivel, J., Farooq, M., Fatemi, R., Ferrari, C., Fertl, M., Fienberg, A. T., Fioretti, A., Flay, D., Foster, S. B., Friedsam, H., Froemming, N. S., Gabbanini, C., Gaines, I., Galati, M. D., Ganguly, S., Garcia, A., George, J., Gibbons, L. K., Gioiosa, A., Giovanetti, K. L., Girotti, P., Gohn, W., Goodenough, L., Gorringe, T., Grange, J., Grant, S., Gray, F., Haciomeroglu, S., Halewood-Leagas, T., Hampai, D., Han, F., Hempstead, J., Hertzog, D. W., Hesketh, G., Hess, E., Hibbert, A., Hodge, Z., Hong, K. W., Hong, R., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Iacovacci, M., Incagli, M., Kammel, P., Kargiantoulakis, M., Karuza, M., Kaspar, J., Kawall, D., Kelton, L., Keshavarzi, A., Kessler, D. S., Khaw, K. S., Khechadoorian, Z., Khomutov, N., Kiburg, B., Kiburg, M., Kim, O., Kinnaird, N., Kraegeloh, E., Krylov, V. A., Kuchinskiy, N. A., Labe, K. R., LaBounty, J., Lancaster, M., Lee, S., Li, B., Li, D., Li, L., Logashenko, I., Campos, A. L., Lu, Z., Luca, A., Lukicov, G., Lusiani, A., Lyon, A. L., MacCoy, B., Madrak, R., Makino, K., Mastroianni, S., Miller, J. P., Miozzi, S., Mitra, B., Morgan, J. P., Morse, W. M., Mott, J., Nath, A., Ng, J. K., Nguyen, H., Oksuzian, Y., Omarov, Z., Osofsky, R., Park, S., Pauletta, G., Piacentino, G. M., Pilato, R. N., Pitts, K. T., Plaster, B., Pocanic, D., Pohlman, N., Polly, C. C., Price, J., Quinn, B., Qureshi, M. U. H., Ramachandran, S., Ramberg, E., Reimann, R., Roberts, B. L., Rubin, D. L., Sakurai, M., Santi, L., Schlesier, C., Schreckenberger, A., Semertzidis, Y. K., Shemyakin, D., Sorbara, M., Stapleton, J., Still, D., Stoeckinger, D., Stoughton, C., Stratakis, D., Swanson, H. E., Sweetmore, G., Sweigart, D. A., Syphers, M. J., Tarazona, D. A., Teubner, T., Tewsley-Booth, A. E., Tishchenko, V., Tran, N. H., Turner, W., Valetov, E., Vasilkova, D., Venanzoni, G., Volnykh, V. P., Walton, T., Weisskopf, A., Welty-Rieger, L., Winter, P., Wu, Y., Yu, B., Yucel, M., Zeng, Y. & Zhang, C., 2024, In: Physical Review D.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review