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DONATION: HereDitary homologous recOmbination repair deficiency (hHRD): defining and modeling the evolutioNary ecosystem to identify novel candidates for cancer eArly deTection and InterceptiOn, the paNreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) paradigm.
Woodward, E. (PI), Jorgensen, C. (CoI), Weaver, J. (CoI) & Wedge, D. (CoI)
1/06/24 → 31/05/27
Project: Research
NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre
Bruce, I. (PI), Lord, G. (CoI), Lennon, R. (CoI), Black, G. (CoI), Wedge, D. (CoI), Morris, A. (CoI), Hussell, T. (CoI), Sharrocks, A. (CoI), Stivaros, S. (CoI), Buch, M. (CoI), Gough, J. (CoI), Kostarelos, K. (CoI), Thistlethwaite, F. (CoI), Kadler, K. (CoI), Barton, A. (CoI), Hyrich, K. (CoI), Mcbeth, J. (CoI), O'Neill, T. (CoI), Vestbo, J. (CoI), Simpson, A. (CoI), Singh, S. (CoI), Smith, J. (CoI), Felton, T. (CoI), Murray, C. (CoI), Griffiths, C. (CoI), Cullum, N. (CoI), Rhodes, L. (CoI), Warren, R. (CoI), Paus, R. (CoI), Dumville, J. (CoI), Viros Usandizaga, A. (CoI), Keavney, B. (CoI), Tomaszewski, M. (CoI), Allan, S. (CoI), Body, R. (CoI), Cartwright, E. (CoI), Heagerty, A. (CoI), Kalra, P. (CoI), Miller, C. (CoI), Rutter, M. (CoI), Smith, C. (CoI), Trafford, A. (CoI), Evans, D. (CoI), Crosbie, E. (CoI), Crosbie, P. (CoI), Harvie, M. (CoI), Howell, S. (CoI), Renehan, A. (CoI), Dive, C. (CoI), Blackhall, F. (CoI), Landers, D. (CoI), Krebs, M. (CoI), Cook, N. (CoI), Clarke, R. (CoI), Taylor, S. (CoI), Jorgensen, C. (CoI), Lorigan, P. (CoI), Jayson, G. (CoI), Valle, J. (CoI), Mccabe, M. (CoI), Armstrong, A. (CoI), Freitas, A. (CoI), Illidge, T. (CoI), Choudhury, A. (CoI), Hoskin, P. (CoI), West, C. (CoI), Van Herk, M. (CoI), Faivre-Finn, C. (CoI), Bristow, R. (CoI), Kirkby, K. (CoI), Birtle, A. (CoI), Mackay, R. (CoI), Radford, J. (CoI), Linton, K. (CoI), Higham, C. (CoI), Munro, K. (CoI), Plack, C. (CoI), Arden Armitage, C. (CoI), Bruce, I. (CoI), Moore, D. (CoI), Saunders, G. (CoI), Stone, M. (CoI), Haddock, G. (CoI), Lewis, S. (CoI), Elliott, R. (CoI), Green, J. (CoI), Lovell, K. (CoI), Morrison, A. (CoI), Shaw, J. (CoI), Bucci, S. (CoI), Ainsworth, J. (CoI), Webb, R. (CoI), Newman, W. (CoI), Banka, S. (CoI), Clayton-Smith, J. (CoI), Payne, K. (CoI), Moldovan, R. (CoI), Wynn, R. (CoI) & Jones, S. (CoI)
1/12/22 → 30/11/27
Project: Research
Centre for Digital Trust and Society
Barrett, E. (PI), Allmendinger, R. (Researcher), Elliot, M. (Researcher), Lord, N. (Researcher), Cordeiro, L. (Researcher), Gibson, R. (Researcher), Papamarkou, T. (Researcher), Dresner, D. (Researcher), Buil-Gil, D. (Researcher), Aldridge, J. (Researcher), Duncan, P. (Researcher), Banach, R. (Researcher), Brown, G. (Researcher), Dennis, L. (Researcher), Fisher, M. (Researcher), Korovin, K. (Researcher), Kotselidis, C.-E. (Researcher), Luján, M. (Researcher), Mustafa, M. (Researcher), Olivier, P. (Researcher), Reger, G. (Researcher), Zhang, N. (Researcher), Hodgkinson, G. (Researcher), Gulati, S. (Researcher), Ainsworth, J. (Researcher), Chen, Y.-W. (Researcher), Green, B. (Researcher), Healey, M. (Researcher), Uyarra, E. (Researcher), Zachariadis, M. (Researcher), Little, C. (Researcher), Mackey, E. (Researcher), Nenadic, G. (Researcher), Keane, J. (Researcher), Shlomo, N. (Researcher), Laskowski, N. (Researcher), Jarwar, M. A. (Researcher), Shariati Samani, S. (Researcher), Smith, D. (Researcher), Kambites, M. (Researcher), Thorpe, M. (Researcher), Rowley, P. (Researcher), Flynn, S. (Researcher), Turner, P. (Researcher), Wainwright, V. (Researcher), Czerwinsky, A. (PGR student), Nini, A. (Researcher), Broad, R. (Researcher), Shute, J. (Researcher), Deakin, J. (Researcher), Taboada, P. (PGR student), Knight, P. (Researcher), Hutchings, S. (Researcher), Whyte, J. (Researcher), Tolz-Zilitinkevic, V. (Researcher), Pilkington, H. (Researcher), Guharoy, S. (Researcher), Nicolo, A. (Researcher), Reggiani, C. (Researcher), Garcia Oliva, J. (Researcher), Van Someren, A. (Researcher), Bon, E. (Researcher), Cantijoch Cunill, M. (Researcher), Koch, D. (Researcher) & Chen, Y.-W. (Researcher)
11/05/21 → …
Project: Other
Development of an Alternative 'Precision Medicine' Platform for Identifying and Testing Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Advanced Extra-Pulmonary (EP), Poorly Differentiated (PD), Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (NEC).
Mcnamara, M. (PI), Dive, C. (CoI) & Valle, J. (CoI)
1/07/18 → 30/06/19
Project: Research
NIHR Biomedical Research Centre: Cancer Precision Medicine Theme.
Dive, C. (PI), Baena Chaparro, E. (CoI), Blackhall, F. (CoI), Bruce, I. (CoI), Bundred, N. (CoI), Carter, L. (CoI), Clarke, R. (CoI), Cook, N. (CoI), Crosbie, P. (CoI), Evans, D. (CoI), Harris, J. (CoI), Hawkins, R. (CoI), Hussell, T. (CoI), Illidge, T. (CoI), Jayson, G. (CoI), Jorgensen, C. (CoI), Kirwan, C. (CoI), Kostarelos, K. (CoI), Krebs, M. (CoI), Lorigan, P. (CoI), Marais, R. (CoI), Marshall, K. (CoI), Metcalf, R. (CoI), Payne, K. (CoI), Radford, J. (CoI), Somervaille, T. (CoI), Springer, C. (CoI), Taylor, S. (CoI), Thistlethwaite, F. (CoI), Viros Usandizaga, A. (CoI) & Zelenay, S. (CoI)
1/04/17 → 31/03/19
Project: Research
Noncoding RNA Derived Classifiers as Biomarkers of Patient Response to Therapy.
Miller, C. (PI), Baena Chaparro, E. (CoI), Choudhury, A. (CoI), Dive, C. (CoI) & Marais, R. (CoI)
18/10/16 → 17/10/20
Project: Research
Evaluating the Potential of Targeting PKC¿ Signalling to Inhibit Vascular Calcification.
Canfield, A. (PI), Ashton, N. (CoI), Brennan, K. (CoI), Brognard, J. (CoI) & Holt, C. (CoI)
1/05/16 → 30/04/18
Project: Research
Manchester Molecular Pathology Innovation Centre (MMPathIC): Bridging the Gap Between Biomarker Discovery and Health and Wealth.
Freemont, A. (PI), Ananiadou, S. (CoI), Barton, A. (CoI), Black, G. (CoI), Bruce, I. (CoI), Buchan, I. (CoI), Byers, R. (CoI), Dive, C. (CoI), Goodacre, R. (CoI), Griffiths, C. (CoI), Hoyland, J. (CoI), Payne, K. (CoI), Radford, J. (CoI) & Whetton, A. (CoI)
1/10/15 → 31/03/21
Project: Research
FASTMAN Centre, Movember Prostate Cancer Centre of Excellence
Marais, R. (PI), Brady, G. (CoI), Choudhury, A. (CoI), Clarke, N. (CoI), Dive, C. (CoI), Illidge, T. (CoI), Miller, C. (CoI) & West, C. (CoI)
1/07/14 → 30/06/17
Project: Research
CRUK Imaging Centres.
Jackson, A. (PI), Asselin, M.-C. (CoI), Coope, D. (CoI), Dive, C. (CoI), Faivre-Finn, C. (CoI), Herholz, K. (CoI), Hinz, R. (CoI), Illidge, T. (CoI), Manoharan, P. (CoI), Marais, R. (CoI), Matthews, J. (CoI), McMahon, A. (CoI), O'Connor, J. (CoI), Parker, G. (CoI), Stivaros, S. (CoI), Thacker, N. (CoI), Williams, K. (CoI) & Withers, P. (CoI)
1/12/13 → 30/11/19
Project: Research