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Emmanuel Bempong-Manful
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Theory Group - eMerlin Research Support Scientist
Person: Academic
Rob Beswick
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Theory Group - Head of Science operations and User support, e-MERLIN/ VLBI National Facility; Joint Director of UK's SKA Regional Centre
Person: Academic
Radha Boya
- Condensed Matter Physics Group - Royal Society University Research Fellow/Chair (hon.) of Nanoscience
Person: Academic
Philippa Browning
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Theory Group - Professor of Astrophysics
Person: Academic
Emma Carli
Person: Doctor of Philosophy
Qi Chen
Person: Doctor of Philosophy
Christopher Conselice
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Theory Group - Professor of Extragalactic Astronomy
Person: Academic
Mark Dickinson, BSc (hons), Dip. Adv. Stud. Sci, PhD, CPhys
- Photon Physics Group - Reader
Person: Academic
Vladimir Falko
- National Graphene Institute - Administration - Director of National Graphene Institute
Person: Academic