Directorate for the student experience

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or
  • A phase I open-label, dose-escalation study of NUC-3373, a targeted thymidylate synthase inhibitor, in patients with advanced cancer (NuTide:301)

    Spiliopoulou, P., Kazmi, F., Aroldi, F., Holmes, T., Thompson, D., Griffiths, L., Qi, C., Parkes, M., Lord, S., Veal, G. J., Harrison, D. J., Coyle, V. M., Graham, J., Jeffry Evans, T. R. & Blagden, S. P., 2 Apr 2024, In: Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research. 43, 1, p. 100

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Beyond the Tangible: Archaeology and Borders in South-eastern Epirus, Fourth to First Century BC

    Kopsacheili, M., 2024, Redefining Ancient Epirus. Melfi, M. & Stamatopoulou, M. (eds.). Brepols Publishers, (Borders, Boundaries, Landscapes; no. 5).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  • Detailed report on the measurement of the positive muon anomalous magnetic moment to 0.20 ppm

    Aguillard, D. P., Albahri, T., Allspach, D., Anisenkov, A., Badgley, K., Baessler, S., Bailey, I., Bailey, L., Baranov, V. A., Barlas-Yucel, E., Barrett, T., Barzi, E., Bedeschi, F., Berz, M., Bhattacharya, M., Binney, H. P., Bloom, P., Bono, J., Bottalico, E. & Bowcock, T. & 173 others, Braun, S., Bressler, M., Cantatore, G., Carey, R. M., Casey, B. C. K., Cauz, D., Chakraborty, R., Chapelain, A., Chappa, S., Charity, S., Chen, C., Cheng, M., Chislett, R., Chu, Z., Chupp, T. E., Claessens, C., Convery, M. E., Corrodi, S., Cotrozzi, L., Crnkovic, J. D., Dabagov, S., Debevec, P. T., Di Falco, S., Di Sciascio, G., Donati, S., Drendel, B., Driutti, A., Duginov, V. N., Eads, M., Edmonds, A., Esquivel, J., Farooq, M., Fatemi, R., Ferrari, C., Fertl, M., Fienberg, A. T., Fioretti, A., Flay, D., Foster, S. B., Friedsam, H., Froemming, N. S., Gabbanini, C., Gaines, I., Galati, M. D., Ganguly, S., Garcia, A., George, J., Gibbons, L. K., Gioiosa, A., Giovanetti, K. L., Girotti, P., Gohn, W., Goodenough, L., Gorringe, T., Grange, J., Grant, S., Gray, F., Haciomeroglu, S., Halewood-Leagas, T., Hampai, D., Han, F., Hempstead, J., Hertzog, D. W., Hesketh, G., Hess, E., Hibbert, A., Hodge, Z., Hong, K. W., Hong, R., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Iacovacci, M., Incagli, M., Kammel, P., Kargiantoulakis, M., Karuza, M., Kaspar, J., Kawall, D., Kelton, L., Keshavarzi, A., Kessler, D. S., Khaw, K. S., Khechadoorian, Z., Khomutov, N., Kiburg, B., Kiburg, M., Kim, O., Kinnaird, N., Kraegeloh, E., Krylov, V. A., Kuchinskiy, N. A., Labe, K. R., LaBounty, J., Lancaster, M., Lee, S., Li, B., Li, D., Li, L., Logashenko, I., Campos, A. L., Lu, Z., Luca, A., Lukicov, G., Lusiani, A., Lyon, A. L., MacCoy, B., Madrak, R., Makino, K., Mastroianni, S., Miller, J. P., Miozzi, S., Mitra, B., Morgan, J. P., Morse, W. M., Mott, J., Nath, A., Ng, J. K., Nguyen, H., Oksuzian, Y., Omarov, Z., Osofsky, R., Park, S., Pauletta, G., Piacentino, G. M., Pilato, R. N., Pitts, K. T., Plaster, B., Pocanic, D., Pohlman, N., Polly, C. C., Price, J., Quinn, B., Qureshi, M. U. H., Ramachandran, S., Ramberg, E., Reimann, R., Roberts, B. L., Rubin, D. L., Sakurai, M., Santi, L., Schlesier, C., Schreckenberger, A., Semertzidis, Y. K., Shemyakin, D., Sorbara, M., Stapleton, J., Still, D., Stoeckinger, D., Stoughton, C., Stratakis, D., Swanson, H. E., Sweetmore, G., Sweigart, D. A., Syphers, M. J., Tarazona, D. A., Teubner, T., Tewsley-Booth, A. E., Tishchenko, V., Tran, N. H., Turner, W., Valetov, E., Vasilkova, D., Venanzoni, G., Volnykh, V. P., Walton, T., Weisskopf, A., Welty-Rieger, L., Winter, P., Wu, Y., Yu, B., Yucel, M., Zeng, Y. & Zhang, C., 2024, In: Physical Review D.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance 1990–2021: a systematic analysis with forecasts to 2050

    GBD 2021 Antimicrobial Resistance Collaborators, 28 Sept 2024, In: The Lancet. 404, 10459, p. 1199-1226 28 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Isotopic and kinetic constraints on methane origins in Icelandic hydrothermal fluids

    Stefánsson, A., Ricci, A., Garnett, M., Gunnarsson-Robin, J., Kleine-Marshall, B. I., Scott, S. W., Lelli, M., Cardoso, C. D., Pik, R., Santinelli, C., Ono, S., Barry, P. H., Broadley, M. W., Byrne, D., Halldórsson, S. A. & Fiebig, J., 2024, In: Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review