- 11 results
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Deep learning trained machine vision for object detection and quantification in recycling operations
Yin, H. (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Environmental, Technological
Feasibility of Translating Cassava Brown Steak Disease & Soybean Rust Pathogen Sensor Platforms to Tanzanian Agriculture
Grieve, B. (Participant) & Yin, H. (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Technological, Environmental
Financial and environmental benefits through the development and transfer of control and monitoring technology in the process industries
Lennox, B. (Participant), Marjanovic, O. (Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Policy, Economic, Environmental
Yin, H. (Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Technological impacts
Improved designs of high voltage overhead lines enable increased transmission capacity, providing environmental and financial benefits
Rowland, S. (Participant), Cotton, I. (Participant), (Participant), Kopsidas, K. (Participant), Peesapati, V. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Environmental, Economic
Increasing renewable energy and reducing customer bills: using managed connections and flexible demand response controls in the electricity network to support decarbonisation with the minimum infrastructure investment.
Li, H. (Participant), Martinez-Cesena, E. (Participant), Milanovic, J. (Participant), Wang, Z. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant) & Jones, C. (Participant)
Impact: Environmental, Economic
Isothermal Compressed Air Energy Storage
Mahmoudi Larimi, Y. (Participant), Iacovides, H. (Participant) & Lanzon, A. (Participant)
Impact: Technological, Economic, Environmental
New industrial electromagnetic sensor systems improve safety processes and optimise capabilities in the UK's energy, rail and manufacturing sectors
Peyton, A. (Participant), Yin, W. (Participant), Lionheart, W. (Participant), Marsh, L. (Participant), O'Toole, M. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Technological
Reducing usage of fossil-oil-based insulating liquids in power transformers to deliver environmental, safety, and financial benefits.
Wang, Z. (Participant), Liu, Q. (Participant), Matharage, S. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Society and culture, Economic, Policy, Environmental
Retrofill replacement of SF6 to accelerate the decarbonisation of electricity networks
Chen, T. (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Environmental, Policy, Technological