Physics and Astronomy - Administration


Search results

  • 2024

    MeerKLASS L-band deep-field intensity maps: entering the HI dominated regime

    Collaboration, M., Barberi-Squarotti, M., Bernal, J. L., Bull, P., Camera, S., Carucci, I. P., Chen, Z., Cunnington, S., Engelbrecht, B. N., Fonseca, J., Grainge, K., Irfan, M. O., Li, Y., Mazumder, A., Paul, S., Pourtsidou, A., Santos, M. G., Spinelli, M., Wang, J. & Witzemann, A. & 1 others, Wolz, L., 31 Jul 2024.

    Research output: Preprint/Working paperPreprint

    4 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2023

    The second data release from the European Pulsar Timing Array I. The dataset and timing analysis

    European Pulsar Timing Array, 1 Oct 2023, (Astronomy and Astrophysics).

    Research output: Preprint/Working paperPreprint

    Open Access
    61 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2022

    Generalized Phase-Space Techniques to Explore Quantum Phase Transitions in Critical Quantum Spin Systems

    Millen, N. M., Rundle, R. P., Samson, J. H., Tilma, T., Bishop, R. F. & Everitt, M. J., 23 Mar 2022.

    Research output: Preprint/Working paperPreprint

    68 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2021

    A MeerKAT, e-MERLIN, H.E.S.S. and Swift search for persistent and transient emission associated with three localised FRBs

    Chibueze, J. O., Caleb, M., Spitler, L., Ashkar, H., Schussler, F., Stappers, B. W., Venter, C., Heywood, I., Richards, A. M. S., Williams, D. R. A., Kramer, M., Beswick, R., Bezuidenhout, M. C., Breton, R. P., Driessen, L. N., Jankowski, F., Keane, E. F., Malenta, M., Mickaliger, M. & Morello, V. & 138 others, Qiu, H., Rajwade, K., Sanidas, S., Surnis, M., Scragg, T. W., Walker, C. R. H., Wrigley, N., Collaboration, H. E. S. S., Aharonian, F., Benkhali, F. A., Anguner, E. O., Backes, M., Baghmanyan, V., Martins, V. B., Batzofin, R., Becherini, Y., Berge, D., Bottcher, M., Boisson, C., Bolmont, J., Lavergne, M. D. B. D., Breuhaus, M., Brose, R., Brun, F., Bulik, T., Cangemi, F., Caroff, S., Casanova, S., Catalano, J., Cerruti, M., Chand, T., Chen, A., Chibueze, O. U., Cotter, G., Cristofari, P., Mbarubucyeye, J. D., Devin, J., Atai, A. D., Dmytriiev, A., Egberts, K., Ernenwein, J. P., Fiasson, A., Clairfontaine, G. F. D., Fontaine, G., Funk, S., Gabici, S., Ghafourizadeh, S., Giavitto, G., Glawion, D., Grondin, M. H., Horbe, M., Hoischen, C., Holch, T. L., Huang, Z., Jamrozy, M., Jankowsky, F., Richardt, I. J., Kasai, E., Katarzynski, K., Katz, U., Khelifi, B., Kluzniak, W., Komin, N., Kosack, K., Kostunin, D., Lemiere, A., Lenain, J. P., Leuschner, F., Lohse, T., Luashvili, A., Lypova, I., Mackey, J., Malyshev, D., Marandon, V., Marchegiani, P., Marcowith, A., Devesa, G. M., Marx, R., Mitchell, A., Moderski, R., Mohrmann, L., Moulin, E., Muller, J., Nakashima, K., Naurois, M. D., Nayerhoda, A., Niemiec, J., Noel, A. P., O'Brien, P., Ohm, S., Nieto, L. O., Wilhelmi, E. D. O., Ostrowski, M., Panny, S., Parsons, R. D., Pita, S., Poireau, V., Prokhorov, D. A., Prokoph, H., Puhlhofer, G., Quirrenbach, A., Reichherzer, P., Reimer, A., Reimer, O., Rowell, G., Rudak, B., Velasco, E. R., Sahakian, V., Sailer, S., Salzmann, H., Sanchez, D. A., Santangelo, A., Sasaki, M., Schutte, H. M., Schwanke, U., Shapopi, J. N. S., Specovius, A., Spencer, S., Steenkamp, R., Steinmassl, S., Takahashi, T., Tanaka, T., Morgan, C. T., Tsuji, N., Eldik, C. V., Veh, J., Vink, J., Wagner, S. J., Wierzcholska, A., Wong, Y. W., Yusafzai, A., Zacharias, M., Zargaryan, D., Zdziarski, A. A., Zech, A., Zhu, S. J., Zouari, S. & Zywucka, N., 31 Dec 2021,, p. 1-15, 15 p.

    Research output: Preprint/Working paperPreprint

    Open Access
    56 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2015

    Measurements of the Intensity and Polarization of the Anomalous Microwave Emission in the Perseus molecular complex with QUIJOTE

    Génova-Santos, R., Rubiño-Martín, J. A., Rebolo, R., Peláez-Santos, A., Lopez-Caraballo, C. H., Harper, S., Watson, R. A., Ashdown, M., Barreiro, R. B., Casaponsa, B., Dickinson, C., Diego, J. M., Fernández-Cobos, R., Grainge, K. J. B., Herranz, D., Hoyland, R., Lasenby, A., López-Caniego, M., Martínez-González, E. & Mcculloch, M. & 10 others, Melhuish, S., Piccirillo, L., Perrott, Y. C., Poidevin, F., Razavi-ghods, N., Scott, P. F., Titterington, D., Tramonte, D., Vielva, P. & Vignaga, R., Jan 2015,, p. 1-17, 17 p.

    Research output: Preprint/Working paperPreprint

    Open Access