- 50 - 100 out of 5,195 results
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John Ainsworth
- Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences (L5) - Professor of Health Informatics
Person: Academic
Chidinma Akaihe
Person: Doctor of Philosophy
Oras Alabas
- Division of Musculoskeletal & Dermatological Sciences (L5) - Research Associate
Person: Academic
Ioannis Alakiozidis
- Materials Engineering - Research Associate
- Department of Materials
Person: Academic, Doctor of Philosophy
Lubaaba Al-Azami
- English and American Studies - Lecturer in Shakespeare & Early Mod Lit
Person: Academic
David Alderson
- English and American Studies - Professor of Literary and Cultural Studies
Person: Academic
Lucas Alencar
- Global Development Institute - Research Associate (Sustainable Forests)
Person: Academic
Peter Alexander
- Division of Immunology, Immunity to Infection and Respiratory Medicine - Honorary Senior Lecturer (Teach and Res)
Person: Academic
Dennis Alferez-Castro, BSc, PhD
- Division of Molecular & Cellular Function (L5) - Teaching Associate
Person: Academic
Matthew Alford
- PMO Comparative & International Business - Professor of International Business and Development
Person: Academic
Hassan Ali
- Division of Musculoskeletal & Dermatological Sciences (L5) - Software Development Team Leader
Person: Administrative
Syed Mustafa Ali
- Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences (L5) - Research Associate
Person: Academic
Sepideh Aliasghari
- Henry Royce Institute for Advanced Materials - Application Scientist
Person: Technical
Zahra Alijah
- Manchester Institute of Education - Lecturer in Science Education
Person: Academic, Doctor of Philosophy
Roaa Ali-Moore
- Art History and Cultural Practices - Lecturer in Creative and Cultural Industries
Person: Academic
Murod Aliyev
- PMO Comparative & International Business - Senior Lecturer (International Business)
Person: Academic