- 400 - 450 out of 5,195 results
Search results
Sarah Batts
- The University of Manchester at Harwell (UoMaH) - The University of Manchester at Harwell
Person: Administrative
Florence Baudoin, B.Sc, M.Res
- Division of Cardiovascular Sciences (L5) - Research Assistant
Person: Academic
Anthony Bebbington
- Global Development Institute - Honorary Professorial Research Fellow
Person: Academic
David Bechtold, PhD
- Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology & Gastroenterology (L5) - Professor of Physiology
Person: Academic
Ralf Becker
- Economics - Senior Lecturer in Economics, Professor of Economics-no-occupancy
Person: Academic
Maria Elena Bedoya Hidalgo
- Modern Languages and Cultures - Honorary Research Associate
Person: Academic
Augusta Beech
- Division of Immunology, Immunity to Infection and Respiratory Medicine - Research Assistant
Person: Academic
Erin Beeston
- Division of Psychology Communication and Human Neuroscience (L5) - Research Associate (Autism@Manchester)
Person: Academic
Christos Begkos
- A&F Accounting & Finance - Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Management Accounting
Person: Academic
Josh Behan-Devlin
- Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences (L5) - Research Associate (Digital Inclusion)
- Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work
Person: Academic, Doctor of Philosophy
Moshe Behar
- Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies - Senior Lecturer in Israel/Palestine Studies
Person: Academic
Deepak Behera
Person: Doctor of Philosophy
Pritish Behuria
- Global Development Institute - Lecturer in Politics, Governance & Dev
Person: Academic
Kylie Belchamber
- Division of Developmental Biology & Medicine (L5) - Lecturer in Maternal and Foetal Health
Person: Academic
Rachel Bell
- Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care (L5) - Research Associate
Person: Academic
Jordi Bella, BSc, PhD
Person: Academic
Camille Bellet
- Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM) - Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Academic
Emmanuel Bempong-Manful
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Theory Group - eMerlin Research Support Scientist
Person: Academic
Simone Benaglia
- Condensed Matter Physics Group - Research Associate (Condensed Matter)
Person: Academic
Daimark Bennett
- Division of Developmental Biology & Medicine (L5) - Lecturer in Developmental Biology
Person: Academic
Hayley Bennett, BSc, PhD
- FBMH Faculty Office Administration (L5) - Experimental Officer
Person: Technical
Mia Bennion
- Nursing & Midwifery - Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing, Research Associate (HTA Global Health)
- Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work
Person: Academic, Doctor of Philosophy