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Keynote lecture at the international conference “Material Motilities,” Aalborg University, Denmark; lecture: "Design and Mobility: Five Ways to Make them Political"
Albena Yaneva (Keynote speaker)
30 Nov 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited plenary lecture at the Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, ”Space Practice Knowledge"
Albena Yaneva (Plenary speaker)
24 Nov 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited plenary lecture at the international conference “relationShips, Sociality and Sociability through Things" Interdisciplinary Conference, Bauhaus University, Weimar; lecture: “Things that Make us Move: Design and the New Regime of ‘Social’ and ‘Political’”
Yaneva, A. (Plenary speaker)
12 Nov 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the international conference “Cultural Anthropology meets Architecture”, FORUM STADTPARK & University of Graz, Austria
Albena Yaneva (Keynote speaker)
10 Nov 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited plenary lecture at the conference “The Secret Life of Buildings” University of Texas, Austin, USA; lecture: "The Making of a Building"
Yaneva, A. (Plenary speaker)
20 Oct 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Parsons School of Design NYC; lecture: "Five Ways to Make Architecture Political”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
18 Oct 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the conference “Aesthetic Activism", Yale School of Architecture, USA
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
15 Oct 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Cyprus School of Architecture
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
5 Oct 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Manchester Literally and Philosophy Society; lecture: "Architecture is Political"
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
3 Oct 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the Alta Scuola Politecnica, Postgraduate Summer School, Sistiere, Italy organised by the Politecnico di Torino e Milano; lecture: "Mapping Controversies in Architecture"
Yaneva, A. (Keynote speaker)
19 Jul 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the conference “Aesthetic Matters: becoming an artist, a designer and an architect in the age of Bologna. International Conference”, Zurich, Switzerland, Zurich University of the Arts; lecture: “How to Train Reflective Practitioners at the Time of the Anthropocene? A Cosmopolitical Proposal”
Yaneva, A. (Keynote speaker)
3 Jun 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the international conference "The City and the Pragmatic Turn" Copenhagen, Denmark
Yaneva, A. (Keynote speaker)
5 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the international conference “Making Research, Research Making”, University of Aarhus, Denmark; lecture title: "What is Cosmopolitical Design?"
Yaneva, A. (Keynote speaker)
10 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the international conference “RE-CITY 2015: Future City – Combining Disciplines”, University of Tampere, Finland; lecture: “Architecture: Five Ways of Being Political”
Albena Yaneva (Speaker)
3 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at Lancaster University, Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts (LICA)
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
3 Jun 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the international conference “New Objects of Concern and the Challenge to Ethnography”, MBS, lecture: “Blinded by the Sun: Cosmopolitical Experiments with Glare”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
28 Apr 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Welsh School of Architecture, University of Cardiff; lecture: “Design as Experience: on OMA, Foam and the Logic of Making”
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
4 Mar 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited plenary lecture at the conference "Cabins to Think", Foundation Cerezales, Leon, Spain; lecture: “Design at the Time of the Anthropocene: Spaces for Cosmopolitical Thinking”
Albena Yaneva (Plenary speaker)
22 Feb 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, “Misleading Innocence: Tracing What a Bridge Can Do"
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
30 Nov 2014Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the conference "Planning for Sustainable Urban Forms", University of Karlskrona, Sweden; lecture: “Traceable Cities: a Cosmopolitical View”
Albena Yaneva (Keynote speaker)
14 Nov 2014Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the Symposium "Designs' intrinsic logic", Institute of Design Inquiry (IDE) at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Zurich; lecture: “A Plea for Slow Design Research: Politics and Controversies.”
Yaneva, A. (Keynote speaker)
3 Oct 2014Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the symposium "How Near is Here?", Collective | City Observatory & City Dome, Edinburgh; lecture: “Thinking Through Place: How to Map the Local?”
Albena Yaneva (Keynote speaker)
8 Sept 2014Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the international symposium “David & Goliath: Models between Art and Architecture" Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
22 Nov 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the International Festival “Warsaw Under construction”, WUC5. WHO IS AN ARCHITECT?, Warsaw, Poland
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
8 Nov 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the History and Theory seminar, MA programme, McGill School of Architecture, McGill University, Montreal
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
11 Oct 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at University of Concordia, Montreal (co-hosted by l’ Université de Montreal), as a part of the 2013 Design Lecture Series: Design as Critical Inquiry
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
10 Oct 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited plenary lecture at the annual conference of STSItalia, The Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, Bolzano, Italy; lecture: “To Give Image to a City: Testing Iconicity and Ontological Politics in the Process of Redeveloping the Birmingham New Street Station”
Albena Yaneva (Plenary speaker)
27 Sept 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited speaker at the Innovation festival Bolzano, Italy; “Come e dove si suona la musica dell’innovazione?”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
26 Sept 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at Strelka, Institute for Media, Architecture and Design, Moscow; lecture title: “Bolshoi Theatre: Mapping Renovation, Testing Politics”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
10 Sept 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lectures at Strelka, Institute for Media, Architecture and Design, Moscow, topic: “Mapping Controversies in Architecture"
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
14 Jul 2013 → 15 Jul 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the 2013 Cérisy symposium, France; lecture: « Plus grand que le ciel: réflexion sur l'ontologie et l’échelle des images-mouvements en architecture »
Albena Yaneva (Keynote speaker)
17 Jun 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at Plymouth University, UK in the Culture, Theory and Space lecture series of the School of Architecture; lecture: “Network Narratives: A Pragmatist Approach to Controversies in Architecture”
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
25 Apr 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Princeton University
Yaneva, A. (Visiting professor)
2013Activity: External visiting positions or secondments › Visiting an external academic institution › Research
Invited lecture at the UCL, Bartlett School of Planning
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
11 Dec 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the University of Gothenburg, Chalmers School of Architecture, as a part of the PhD training programme of the Scandinavian Architecture schools “ResArc”
Albena Yaneva (Keynote speaker)
7 Dec 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the international conference of "Mistra Urban Futures, Cities as Value Networks", University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg Research Institute
Albena Yaneva (Keynote speaker)
7 Dec 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Royal Academy of Arts, School of Architecture, Copenhagen, workshop “Architectural Practice, Methods and Management”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
5 Dec 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the ETH international symposium "Architecture Talks", Einsiedeln, Switzerland
Yaneva, A. (Keynote speaker)
17 Nov 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at UCL, Department of History of Art; lecture: “Image Bigger than Skies: Exploring the Political Ontology of Contemporary Architecture”
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
18 Oct 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the University of Westminster, "Addressing the Games", event at P3
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
12 Jul 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at Science-Po, Ecole des Arts Politiques, Paris, France
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
16 Mar 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the University of Sheffield, as a part of the lecture series “The Social Production of Architecture”, SSoA Forum
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
6 Mar 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the University of Oxford, international conference “Visualizing Knowledge Controversies”
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
21 Jan 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Université Paris-Est, Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires Sociétés (LATTS)
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
8 Dec 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the UC Berkeley, Office of Science and Technology Studies, symposium "Design & STS" 2 December 2011
Yaneva, A. (Keynote speaker)
2 Dec 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at TU Graz, Graduate School of Architecture; lecture: “Urban Controversies and the Making of the Social”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
17 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at Ensa Paris - La Vilette, symposium “La sociologie de l’architecture. Un domaine de savoir en construction ?”; lecture: “Une sociologie non-représentationnelle de l’architecture? Le verre et de l’ardoise dans l’architecture parlementaire”
Albena Yaneva (Keynote speaker)
18 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the Bergen School of Architecture, Oslo University, Symposium “Future Trajectories in Architectural Education”; lecture: “Mapping Controversies in Architecture: A New Epistemology of Architectural Education”
Yaneva, A. (Keynote speaker)
24 Sept 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the CRESC conference "City Materialities", 6-9 September, University of Manchester; lecture: “Urban Debates at the Time of Computational Design"
Albena Yaneva (Keynote speaker)
9 Sept 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Bavarian American Academy, Munich; international symposium "Thinking Architecture Technology Culture: A Conversation"; lecture: “Technologies of Making: The Politics of Scale Models
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
11 Jun 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research