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Invited lecture at the ARCHITECTURE [discussion] FUND, Vilnius, Lithuania; lecture: "Mapping Controversies in Architecture: A New Epistemology of Practice"
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
10 May 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited plenary lecture at Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture, Paris Malaquais, Paris, "The human/social parameter ?" ; lecture: "Paramétriser ou tracer?"
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
5 May 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at Yale School of Architecture, USA, as a part of the Spring lecture series on contemporary architectural theory; lecture: 'Mapping Controversies: A Pragmatist Approach to Architecture"
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
19 Apr 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the Chalmers School of Architecture, University of Gothenburg, Sweden; lecture: “Form Reflecting in Action towards Mapping the Real”
Albena Yaneva (Keynote speaker)
4 Mar 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the École d’Architecture of the Université de Montréal, LEAP (Laboratoire d'étude de l'architecture potentiel), as a part of the lecture series "From the Studio to the Laboratory: What is Experimentation in Architecture?", lecture: “Mythes et réalités de l'expérimention en architecture: le cas de l'OMA"
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
25 Jan 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lectures at the L’Union régionale des Conseils d’architecture, d’urbanisme et de l’environnement (URCAUE) d’Ile-de-France, formation Ekopolis; lecture 1: “Écologie du projet: une approche pragmatique”; lecture 2: “Le projet en train de se faire”.
Albena Yaneva (Keynote speaker)
25 Nov 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Faculté d'Architecture La Cambre Horta, Brussels; lecture: “Analyse des Controverses en Architecture”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
29 Oct 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the Architectural school in Nantes, France, "Rencontre doctorale en architecture", 9-11 September 2010; lecture: “La Fabrique d’un bâtiment: Pragmatique de l’architecture”
Yaneva, A. (Keynote speaker)
10 Sept 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan; lecture: “Mapping Urban Controversies and the Making of the Social”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
24 Aug 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan; lecture: “Rem Koolhaas and his Design Philosophy”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
9 Aug 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Deutsches Forum fur Kunstgeschite/Centre allemand d’Histoire de l’art, Paris, France, 1-3 July 2010, international symposium "Poesis. Uber das Tun in der Kunst/Poiesis, Sur le faire en art"; lecture: “Doing Architecture: From Foam to Shapes”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
3 Jul 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the University of Sofia, Bulgaria, workshop of the Master Program in Urban Studies; lecture: “Urban Controversies and the Making of the Social”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
23 May 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Open University, London, workshop “Mobile Methods: Engagements with Digital Data”; lecture: “Moving Networks: Architectural Tools for Tracing the Social”
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
20 May 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the London School of Economics, the Cities research seminar, lecture: “Urban Controversies and the Making of the Social”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
2 Mar 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at Princeton University, USA, Department of Architecture, symposium "Princeton Envelope Conversations"; lecture: “Building Envelopes as Complex Ecologies”
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
25 Feb 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at Columbia University, USA, History and Theory of Architecture Program, lecture series "Inside/Out”; lecture: “Is Architecture Accountable? The Epistemological Offerings of Science Studies”
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
23 Feb 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the University of Oslo, Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK), Norway; lecture: “Controversies over Public Architecture: An Actor-Network Theory Perspective”
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
15 Feb 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Royal Academy of Arts, Department of Architecture, Copenhagen; lecture: "Scale Perplexities in Architecture"
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
23 Jan 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Goldsmiths College, University of London, Design and Social Science Seminar Series 2009-2010: “The Objects of Design and Social Science objects and social sciences”; lecture: “Buildings as Things”
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
4 Nov 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the RIBA research symposium “Changing Practices”, RIBA, London; lecture: “Reconnecting Practices and Meaning”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
24 Sept 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the University of Oxford, Saïd Busines School, International workshop “From Scale to Scalography”; lecture: “Ethnographies of Scaling. An Enquiry on the Production of ‘Voluntary Blind’ Empirical Accounts”
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
8 Jul 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark, International conference "Scale and Representation", 22-23 June 2009; lecture: “No Scales, but Ethnographic Attention to Scaling”
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
22 Jun 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at Copenhagen Business School, The Center for Management Studies of the Building Process; lecture: “The Architectural Presentation: Techniques and Politics"
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
18 May 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the international conference: “Materialising the Subject: Phenomenological and post-ANT objects in the social sciences”, 26-27 February 2009, University of Manchester; lecture: “Some Questions on the ANT Becoming. In response to the paper of John Law: ‘Actor Network Theory and Material Semiotics’”
Yaneva, A. (Keynote speaker)
26 Feb 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Manchester Business School, workshop Invisio, “Multidisciplinary visual resources”, as a part of the International Network for Visual Studies in Organizations; lecture: “Making Statements with Visuals: The Architecture of the Architectural Presentation”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
30 Jan 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Danish School of Design, Center for Design Studies, Copenhagen, workshop “How Can Design Studies Learn from STS and Actor-Network-Theory?”; lecture: “Towards a Pragmatist Approach to Design” a Dialogue of STS and Design Studies”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
19 Jun 2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the Goldsmiths College, University of London, “The Physique of the Public”, international workshop, Centre for the Study of Invention and Social Process (CSISP), Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths and The Spaces of Democracy and the Democracy of Space network; lecture: “The Architectural as a Type of Connector”
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
6 Jun 2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the l'Institut Bruxellois d'Architecture Instituut (IBAI), centre culturel "Recyclart”,Brussels; lecture: “On Models, Agency and the Politics of Architectural Presentations”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
29 May 2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the Dialoghi di San Giorgio: “Inheriting the past. Traditions, shifts, betrayals and innovations”, 12-14 September 2007, Fondation Cini, Venice, Italy
Albena Yaneva (Keynote speaker)
14 Sept 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the University of Alicante, "Recalcitrant Spaces", international workshop organised by the Universidad de Alicante; lecture: “Recalcitrant Models: Experiments in Design Cognition”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
18 May 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the 10th International Bauhaus Colloquium, Bauhaus-Universität, “The Reality of the Imaginary: Architecture and the Digital Image”, 19 - 22 April 2007, Bauhaus-Universität, Weimar; lecture: “Obsolete Ways of Designing? Scale Models at the Time of Digital Media Technologies”
Yaneva, A. (Keynote speaker)
21 Apr 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the 3rd annual Architectural Humanities Research Association [AHRA] international conference, “The Politics of Making”, 16-17 November 2006, the University of Oxford, St Catherine’s College; lecture: “How to Make a Building Talk”
Yaneva, A. (Keynote speaker)
17 Nov 2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited plenary lecture at the Annual Conference of Valencia School of Architecture, Valencia, Spain; lecture: “Breaching Design Routines: An Ethnography Note on Emergency in Design”
Yaneva, A. (Plenary speaker)
26 Oct 2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the UCL, Seminar of the Department of Material Culture; lecture: “Compelling Objects: on Models, Foam, and Agency in Architectural Design
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
16 Oct 2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the International Symposium “Emergency Design”, 15-16 February, 2006, ETH Zurich; lecture: “Clashes” in the Office: an Ethnography Note on Emergency Design”
Yaneva, A. (Keynote speaker)
15 Feb 2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the Architectural Congress “[oriental HOT:KEY] - Dubai and other booming regions,” the Museum für Angewandte Kunst, TU Vienna; lecture: “The Meaning of Extension: Historical Complexity and Urban Change”
Yaneva, A. (Keynote speaker)
24 Oct 2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Keynote lecture at the Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, "Den Stillstand bewegen. Praxis der Soziologie,” University of Vienna, Austria; lecture: “Sociology and the Public: Hybrid Forums in Architecture”
Albena Yaneva (Keynote speaker)
22 Sept 2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the European Commission Forum “Science in Society”, 9-11 March 2005, Brussels; lecture: “Mapping Controversies: a Gallery Experiment in Science Communication”
Yaneva, A. (Invited speaker)
10 Mar 2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research
Invited lecture at the School of Architecture in Madrid, 9 December 2003 Madrid, Spain; lecture: “Historical Continuity in Architecture of Addition: The Extensions of Whitney Museum of American Art”
Albena Yaneva (Invited speaker)
9 Dec 2003Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk › Research