9 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Anastasia Madenidou with the persons below:
Ben Mulhearn
- Division of Musculoskeletal & Dermatological Sciences (L5) - Honorary Academic Clinical Fellow
Person: Academic
Hector Chinoy, PhD FRCP BMBS MSc BMedSci
- Division of Musculoskeletal & Dermatological Sciences (L5) - Professor of Rheumatology and Neuromuscular Disease HEFCE
Person: Academic
Latika Gupta
- Division of Musculoskeletal & Dermatological Sciences (L5) - Honorary Senior Lecturer (Teach and Res)
Person: Academic
Philip Day, PhD, FRSB, FRSC
Person: Academic
William Ollier
- Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care (L5) - Emeritus Professor
Person: Academic
Gisela Orozco, PhD
- Division of Musculoskeletal & Dermatological Sciences (L5) - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Academic