Personal profile


Postgraduate Opportunities

I have supervised three PhD  and three MSc students who all successfully completed their degrees. The last of the former has now successfully defended his thesis.

I always welcome enquiries by potential PhD students. However, since my research is mathematical in nature I am looking for students who have a background in mathematics rather than computer science. While modelling programs and proofs may sound like applied mathematics (and it  is) the methods used are typically more familiar from pure mathematics.  I am not too concerned about  any particular knowledge since it  usually takes part of the first year of a PhD to acquire the background required to begin carrying out research. A good start would be the MSc in Mathematical Logic and the Theory of Computation on which I teach.

A general introduction into pursuing a PhD at the School of Computer Science is available here.  Specific enquiries may also be directed to me personally.

My group


I am a lecturer at the School of Computer Science, working most closely with the other members of the Mathematical Foundations Group.

I hold a PhD equivalent Doktor rer. nat. from the Technical University Darmstadt, where I also received my first degree of Diplom-Mathematikering at the Department of Mathematics.

Before coming here I briefly was a lecturer at the School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham, and before that a research associate at the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (known in short as DPMMS) at the University of Cambridge where I worked with Martin Hyland on an EPSRC project entitled "Uniform Game Semantics for Computational Reasoning". Before that I had a Marie Curie grant  held at the Computer Laboratory at  the University of Cambridge.

I have served as a referee for most of the journals and conferences in my area, and for the EPSRC; I was also a member of their Peer Review College for three years. I am a member of the steering committee and programme committee for the Workshop on Games for Logic and Programming Languages. I have received invitation to speak nationally and internationally in locations such as Bath, Oxford, Liverpool, Ottawa, Montreal, Calgary, Paris and Amsterdam.

Research interests

My research is concerned with the mathematical foundations of computer science, or, if you will, it is the area between mathematics and computer science. I am interested in modelling logics and (programming) languages, and mathematical structures that arise as such models. I am a member of the School of Computer Science, and I also have connections with the School of Mathematics. I work most closely with other members of the Mathematical Foundations Group.

My recent publications are concerned with various categorical models of linear logic, and with games. The former makes connections between mathematical entities called morphisms and proofs, and these in turn can sometimes be connected with programs, or algorithms. Ultimately we would like to have a mathematical understanding of computer programs in the way that we have a mathematical understanding of the various phenomena that physics talks about. On a more concrete level I have given specific models of progams and proofs using certain kinds of games which are known as graph games. All my work is theoretical, and so typical results consist of proofs that there is a correspondence between certain entities that exist in the mathematical model and proofs or programs.


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