Andrey Jivkov, PhD CEng FIMechE FHEA AMIMA

Prof, PhD

  • School of Engineering, The University of Manchester

    Oxford Road Manchester

    United Kingdom

Accepting PhD Students

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Search results

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    MaPoS: Mechanics and Physics of Solids

    Jivkov, A. (PI), Katnam, K.-B. (CoI), Lazarov, B. (CoI), Margetts, L. (CoI), Boom, P. (CoI), Borodin, E. (CoI), Kosmas, O. (CoI), Baychev, T. (PGR student), Chen, T. (PGR student), Farrokhnia, A. (PGR student), Ford, M. (PGR student), He, L. (PGR student), Hewitt, S. (PGR student), Li, X. (PGR student), Marshall, O. (PGR student), Song, Z. (PGR student), Tsamos, A. (PGR student) & Wang, J. (PGR student)

    Project: Research