12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Catherine Hollis with the persons below:
Stefan Schroeder
- Earth and Environmental Sciences - Academic & Research - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Jonathan Redfern
- Earth and Environmental Sciences - Academic & Research - Professor of Petroleum Geoscience
Person: Academic
Kevin Taylor
- Earth and Environmental Sciences - Academic & Research - Professor of Sedimentology and Tectonics
Person: Academic
Greg Holland
- Earth and Environmental Sciences - Academic & Research - Senior Lecturer (Terr Noble Gas Geochem)
Person: Academic
Lin Ma
- CE - Academic & Research - Senior Lecturer
- FSE Research & Business Support Services - FSE Head of International (Stud Recruit)
Person: Academic, Administrative
Natalie Farrell
- Earth and Environmental Sciences - Academic & Research - Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Fellow
Person: Academic
Masoud Babaei
- CE - Academic & Research - Senior Lecturer in Subsurface Energy Engineering
Person: Academic
Raymond Burgess
- Earth and Environmental Sciences - Academic & Research - Professor of Isotope Geochemistry
Person: Academic