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Christopher Rees


Personal profile


PhD Occupational Psychology (Uni of Manchester), MSc Organisational Psychology (UMIST), MEd Educational Psychology (Uni of Manchester); PGCHE (Uni of Manchester), C. Psychol., Chartered FCIPD.

I am the subject leader of the Management and Governance (MGD) teaching cluster. This cluster delivers a number of key postgraduate programmes within the School including the MSc in the Managment and Implementation of Development Projects, the MSc in Organisational Change and Development, and the MSc (International Development) in HRM. My main teaching responsibilities involve Organisation Development, HRM and HRD; for example I convene and deliver the Organisation Development module which is a core subject on the MSc programmes in HRD and Organisational Change and Development. I am also heavily involved with GDI's PhD programme. I am an experienced PhD supervisor and External Examiner of both taught and research degree programmes. Outside of GDI, I serve on the University's Research Ethics Committee (UREC).

Before taking up full time work as an academic I held HR positions in both the public and private sectors of the UK.  This work background led me to focus my teaching and research activities on HR and change management, particularly as they relate to developing and transitional countries.

I enjoy travelling and have undertaken professional work in a wide range of countries including: Austria, Belgium, China, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, and the UAE.

Research interests

As indicated by my publications, my main research interests revolve around:

a) organisational change and development;

b) international human resource management and development.

I have extensive experience of supervising PhD students in the above areas. I would be happy to receive proposals for future PhD research studies that fit with these research interests.

My current PhD students (from Bahrain, Chile, Kuwait and China) are all undertaking research in the area of HR and/or Organisational Change with reference to their home country contexts.

Supervision information

I have supervised the following PhD students to successful completion:

2024: Alasaqabi, M.: Leadership Styles and Performance in the SME Sector in Kuwait

2022: Alvarez-Figueroa, F.: Organisational Citizenship Behaviours in the Education Sector in Chile

2022: Aguilera Munoz, J.: Public Healthcare Networks and Organisational Change in Chile 

2021: Diaz, D.: Corporate Governance and Leadership in the NGO Sector in Chile

2020: Inpa, Y.: Effectiveness of Autonomous Public Organisations in Thailand 

2020 Alsutan, H.: Entrepreneurship and Strategic Change in the HE Sector in KSA

2018 Lee,Y.: The Use of Organisation Development (OD) in Chaebols

2018 Simbolon, S.: Performance Management in the Civil Service in Indonesia

2018 Alnuaimi, A.: HRM and the UAE Happiness Agenda

2016 Li, S.: HRM in the SME Sector in China

2015 Rowlands, K.: Transfer of HRM Practices of MNCs in Malaysia

2014 Othman, N.: HRM, Performance Management, and  Civil Service Reform in Brunei

2014 Alshehhi, O.: Insitutionalisation of Organisational Change in the UAE Public Sector

2014  Al-Aaali, L.: HRD and Nationalisation Policies in Bahrain

2014 Shahzad, S.: HRM Practices and Civil Service Reform in Pakistan

2012 Albadri, N.: Culture and Employment Equity in Oman

2012 Jongruck, P.: Public Policy and Network Governance in Thailand

2011 Jamil, R.: MBA Programmes and HRD in Malaysia

2011 Zheng, Yu: HRM Practices in Small Family Businesses in China

2010 Althakhri, R.: Critical Success Factors of Organisational Change: Evidence from the UAE

2010 Tosch, Y.: HRD and Management Development in Taiwan

2010 Webber C: Knowledge Diffusion Management Practices in Thailand

2010: Pallangyo, W: HRM, Decentralisation and Public Sector Reform Policies in Tanzania

2009 Chyczewski, M.: Decision-Making Behaviours in Radical Change Settings in Poland

2008 Xiaoli, L.: Organisational Learning and HRD: in SOEs in China

2007 Rodriquez, J.: Organisational Culture and Gender in the Dominican Republic.

2007: Kavei, G.: Corporate Social Responsibility and HRD: a Namibian Perspective.

2006: Miazhevich, G.: Business Ethics in Post-Soviet Contexts: The Case of Belarus and Estonia.

2006: Johari, H.: Strategic HRM and Ethics in Malaysia.

2005: Ismail, H: HRM, Performance and Job Satisfaction in Lebanon

External Examinerships: Taught Programmes

University of Abertay, University of Birmingham, University of Durham, University of Liverpool, University of Nottingham Trent, University of Hull, University of Wolverhampton.

External Examinerships: Research Degrees

I have externally examined PhD theses for: Aston University, Bangor Universiity, Leeds Metropolitan University, UTM Malaysia, University of Birmingham, University of Bradford, University of Brunel, University of Dundee, University of Durham, University of Leicester, University of Liverpool, University of Liverpool John Moores, University of Malta, Victoria University Melbourne, University of Reading, University of Salford, University of Sheffield Hallam, University of Swansea, University of Tampere, Finland, University of York, and University of Wollongong, Australia

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 1 - No Poverty
  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
  • SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 15 - Life on Land
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Education/Academic qualification

Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

Award Date: 31 Jan 2012

Chartered Psychologist, The British Psychological Society (BPS)

Award Date: 13 Jan 2005

External positions

Adjunct Professor of HRM, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

1 Mar 2024 → …

Journal Editor: European Management Review, European Academy of Management

1 May 202231 Dec 2026

Member of Editorial Board, European Journal of Training and Development

1 Aug 2010 → …

Faculty Member, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)

1 Feb 2008 → …

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Global inequalities
  • Global Development Institute


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