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Christopher Daly


  • Humanities Bridgeford Street Building, Manchester University

    M13 9PL

Personal profile


Chris Daly joined the Discipline Area in September 2002.

Research interests

Specific research interests:

Keywords: philosophy of language, metaphysics, philosophical logic, philosophy of science.

Further information

Current research projects:

My current project is in metaphysics and philosophy of language. One part of the project concerns issues about reduction and identity. My paper 'The Methodology of Genuine Modal Realism' gives a flavour of this component. The philosophy of language component concerns issues about reference and indeterminacy. A connected  part of the project concerns fictionalism, including its contested coherence and some of ts most promising applications.


Supervision areas:

I am interested in working with graduate students in metaphysics, philosophy of language, and philosophical logic. If you'd like to discuss, please send me an email.

Other teaching information


  • PHIL20261 Philosophy of Science
  • PHIL30322 Philosophy of Language


  • PHIL60021  MA Philosophical Methods


  • philosophy of language
  • metaphysics
  • philosophical logic
  • philosophy of science


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