Deborah Fallon

Deborah Fallon, RGN RSCN RNT BSc MA PhD


Personal profile


I am a senior lecturer and the Field Lead for Children and Young People's Nursing within the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work. I have extensive experience of developing, teaching and leading Nursing programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I currently teach across a range of nursing units that focus on public health, health inequalities, and all aspects of children's nursing. I am an experienced qualitative researcher. I currently supervise undergraduate research dissertations and have a number of successful PhD student completions.

I am the founder and chair of the Children and Young People's Nurse Academics (CYPNAUK) network which is a national organisation of academics involved in the education of children's nurses at all levels. I am on the editorial board Nurse Education in Practice, review articles for several nursing journals and review proposals for several research organisations.




I have a professional background in both adult and children’s nursing, qualifying in 1987. I have worked in nurse education since 1995, and now have substantial experience in curriculum development, programme delivery and programme leadership across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. I am the University Link Lecturer for several clinical areas at RMCH as part of Manchester Foundation Trust. 

My early research and publications considered issues on the boundary of health and social care for vulnerable young people, particularly in terms of gender and class inequalities. Following an MA in Women's Studies and Sociology and a PhD in Sociology I published and researched in the area of contraception and sexual health, young people's access to health services, and young parents. As the co - lead for the CYP@Salford research group my research expanded to include work with neglected children (with Action for Children) and the wellbeing of young carers, embedding the participation of young people themselves in the research process, including those who are considered “hard to reach” in research terms. I have also  supervised a number of PhD students to successful completion and have a track record of successful co-authorship with these students.  

I am the chair and member of the Advisory Council member for the Association of Young People’s Health and was a Trustee at Brook Manchester until 2011 and I have maintained active links with the new national organisation as a Brook member. I am the invited nurse academic representative on the Royal College of General Practitioners Adolescent Health Group. My links with local adolescent groups include the Youth Forum and the Adolescent Task and Finish Group at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, and Manchester Health Academy.

Research interests

My research expertise and interest relates to participatory, qualitative research with vulnerable young people.  

Several of my research projects and publications have focused on young people's access to sexual health services, and particularly emergency contraception at a time of great political interest in young women's sexual health and freedom. I have both led and collaborated on several projects related to sexual health and service access for young people, support for teenage parents, and as part of the steering group for a comic relief funded project with young people who have been sexually exploited ( I have completed research projects related to the health and wellbeing of vulnerable young people including young carers, looked after children and young people, young mental health service users, and neglected children.  

Between 2005 and 2011 I acquired £82,000 external research grant capture as Primary Investigator and £282,000 as Co Applicant as part of CYP@Salford.  



I have worked in higher education since 1995 as a both lecturer and senior lecturer. I have taught across undergraduate children's nursing programmes in two institutions and led an MSc Nursing programme and co-ordinated the interprofessional portfolio of Master's programmes at Faculty level in one (University of Salford). I have taught across all levels from Diploma to PhD on subjects related to nursing, children's nursing, health policy, research and sociology.   

My collaborations

I co - led the CYP@Salford (University of Salford) multi professional research team between 2008 and 2011. I have also collaborated with Action for Children, CORAM, and the Salford Young Carers Project.    

Memberships of committees and professional bodies

Royal College of Nursing

British Sociological Association

Association of Young People's Health - Chair and Member of the Advisory Council, and Trustee. 

Royal College of General Practitioner's Adolescent Interest Group (Invited nurse representative)

Brook Manchester (Trustee to 2011) Brook Member (current)

RCN Research in Child Health (Manchester Branch) Steering group

Methodological knowledge

I am a qualitative researcher with experience using mixed methods approaches particularly for projects that focus on service evaluation. I undertook my PhD at the Department of Sociology at Goldsmiths (University of London). My interest in gender and class inequalities drew me to undertake MA and PhD research projects using feminist research methodology and these values continue to guide my research approach more generally. 


Registered General Nurse

Registered Sick Children's Nurse

Registered Nurse Teacher

BSc Nursing/Education (Huddersfield University)

MA Women's Studies/Sociology (Lancaster University)

PhD Sociology (Goldsmiths, University of London)

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 1 - No Poverty
  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals


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