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Dr Delia Vazquez is Senior Lecturer in Retail Marketing in the School of Materials.

She has extensive commercial experience as a Buyer/ Marketeer for the Co-operative Group. Buying and Marketing duties covered diverse areas such as Soap Powders, Household Products and Clothing.

She was Programme Director and Founder of the International Fashion Retailing MSc from 2001 to 2017.

She also successfully launched the International Fashion Marketing MSc in 2015.

She is currently Retail Subject Lead and Employability Lead in the School of Materials. 

Her current research interests include the Fashion Online Selling Environment and Digital Marketing.





Research interests

Research interests have encompassed Retail Design Management, Food Packaging Design Management Processes, Corporate Food Retail Design Management and Retail Branding.

Current researchInterests include the Fashion Online Selling Environment and Digital Marketing techniques used in fashion including blogging.


Vazquez, D., Cheung, J., Wu, X., (2019) “Investigating Chinese Audience-Consumer Responses towards TV Character Fashion Social Media Content”, Journal of Business and Globalisation, Vol 22, No.1, pp 53-73.

Miell, S., Gill, S., Vazquez, D., (2018) “Enabling the digital fashion consumer through fit and sizing technology”, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing ,Vol 9., Iss. 1., pp. 9-23.

Vazquez, D., Dennis, C., and Zhang, Y., (2017) Understanding the effect of Brand – Consumer Smart Channel Communications via Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM) – A Chinese Empirical Study. Computers in Human Behaviour. Vol. 77, Dec, pp., 425-436.

Ashman, R., and Vazquez, D. (2012) “Simulating Attachment to Pure-Play Fashion Retailers”. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Vol, 40, Issue, 12, Special Fashion Retail Issue, December 2012.

Vazquez, D., Xu, X., (2009) 'Investigating Linkages between Online Purchase Behaviour Variables' IJRDM, vol. 37,No 5., 1 May 2009 pp408-419.

 Vazquez, D., Studd, R., and Bruce. M., (2003) " A case study exploring the packaging design management process within a UK food retailer" British Food Journal, Vol. 105, No. 9, September 2003, p602-617.

 Vazquez, D., (2003) "Buying Games; Business Simulations to Develop Personal and Work-related Skills Continuing Professional Development Series, Learning and Teaching Support Network Generic Centre, April 2003, York.

 Vazquez, D., Bruce. M., (2002) "Design Management-The Unexplored Retail Marketing Competence" International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management,Vol. 30 No. 4, 10 May 2002.

 Vazquez, D., and Bruce. M., (2002) Exploring the Retail Design Management Process- A Case Study.International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Volume 12, No, 4,. December.

 Vazquez, D., and Bruce, M., (1999) Designing a Design Managers Role in Food Retail. New Product Development and Innovation Management Journal, Vol. 1, No.2, 1999.


Supervision information

Current PhD Research Students

Yao, Y., (2015-2019) Analysing Eye tracking in the Mobile Retail Environment. Co-supervision with Dr Rosy Boardman. 

Li, Z., (2016-2019) Analysing Weibo Usage in Mobile Retail Environments.

Huang, J., (2016-2019) Analysing Online Reviews effects on Purchase Intention in Social commerce.

Wang, H., (2018-2021) Analysing Consumer Data Privacy Issues in Social Media Environments. 

Yang, S., (2019-2022) Analysing Co-creation in service dominant logic. With Dr Marta Blazquez-Cano

Completed PhD supervisions

Dulabh, M., (2014-2018) EPSRC DTA studentship. Jointly with Dr Daniella Ryding and Dr Alex Casson of EEE. Analysing EEG techniques in the measurement and modelling of online consumer behaviour.

Khan., S., (2015-2018) Analysing Virtual Fit in the Fashion Retail Environment, EPSRC DTA studentship jointly with Dr Patsy Perry. 

Wu, X., (2015-2018) Analysing Parasocial Relationships influence on Impulse Buying in the Wechat Blogger context.

Miell, S., (2014-2017) EPSRC DTA studentship . Jointly with Dr Simeon Gill co-supervision. Analysing Virtual Fit for Online Consumer Behaviour Modelling.

Zhang, Y., (2012-2015) “Analysing Pure-Play Fashion Retailers Social Shopping Communications Processes”.

Cheung, J., (2012-2015) “Analysing User Generated content on Fashion Websites”.

Ashman, R., (2012) “Simulating Attachment to Pure-Play Fashion Retailers”. EPSRC DTA Award funded Studentship.

Haswell, N., (2010) “Conceptualising Online Plus Size Shopping Motivations”. EPSRC DTA Case Award funded Studentship. N Brown.

McCormick, H., (2009) “ Analysing and Conceptualising the Online Fashion Shopping Environment”. EPSRC funded DTA Studentship.

Xu, X.,. (2008) PhD “Analysing and Conceptualising Online Consumer Behaviour in the UK and the US”. 

MPhil Supervisions

Benjamin, H. (2011) “An investigation of consumer motivations towards buying fashion online”.

Xu., L., (2006) “Analysing the development of an outerwear Luxury Brand- A Chinese Case Study”.

Thomas, K., (1999) “Category Management in Retail- A Case Study”. Co-operative Group.

Selden, P., (1999) “The elastic value of human capital”.

Cherry, B., (1998) “Analysing 3D Knitted Structures for Retail”. Charnos Plc. 

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Digital Futures
  • Christabel Pankhurst Institute
  • Creative Manchester


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