6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Emma Patchwood, BSc, PhD with the persons below:
Audrey Bowen, BA, MSc, PhD, AFBPsS, CPsychol
- Division of Psychology & Mental Health (L5) - Chair in Neuropsychological Rehab
Person: Academic
Paul Conroy, B.A., M.Phil., P.G. Dip., M.Sc., PhD.
- Division of Psychology Communication and Human Neuroscience (L5) - Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer
Person: Academic
Claire Mitchell, MRCSLT
- Division of Psychology Communication and Human Neuroscience (L5) - Senior Lecturer, Senior Research Fellow
Person: Academic
Alys Young, PhD., FAcSS.,MSc Oxon., MA Cantab., CQSW
- Social Work - Prof of Social Work Education & Research
Person: Academic