Ilma Nur Chowdhury

Ilma Nur Chowdhury


Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Ilma is interested in supervising research students in topics linked to the ones stated below. Ilma specialises in longitudinal, phased and/or multiple case study-based qualitative research designs (utilising interviews/ focus groups/projective techniques/laddering/delphi technique/netnography). PhD students sharing research proposals with Ilma should include multiple phases of qualitative research data collection in their methodology sections.

Sustainability and service supply chains

Transformative services (vulnerable customers, BoP customers, digital healthcare, artificially intelligent services, refugee support services)

- How services can help achieve the UN SDGs
- Digital health services and their implications
- How sustainability practices using digital tools can ensure service inclusion

Social innovation
- The role of services in addressing grand challenges

Practices that can help meet Net-Zero targets

Value creation at the bottom of the pyramid

Search results