12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Isabelle Hunt with the persons below:
Pauline Turnbull
- Division of Psychology & Mental Health (L5) - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Academic
Navneet Kapur, MBChB, MMedSc, FRCPsych, MD
- Division of Psychology & Mental Health (L5) - Clinical Professor of Psych & Health Pop
Person: Academic
Cathryn Rodway
- Division of Psychology & Mental Health (L5) - Programme Manager and Research Associate
Person: Academic
Sandra Flynn, PhD
- Division of Psychology & Mental Health (L5) - Lecturer in Psychology and Mental Health
Person: Academic
Rebecca Lowe
- Division of Psychology & Mental Health (L5) - Information Governance & Administration
Person: Administrative
Sharon Mcdonnell, BSc hons, PhD
- Division of Psychology & Mental Health (L5) - Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Academic