Previously Practice Development Nurse / Children’s Services Management
I am a member of the Institute of Health Sciences (IHS) Child Health Research Network
- I was awarded a Florence Nightingale Travel Scholarship and travelled to Australia to explore the training and education of nurses caring for children in emergency departments.
- I have worked with Veronica Swallow on a project to explore children and young people's views on Salivary Sampling after kidney transplantation
- I have undertaken research into “Parent’s experiences of Day surgery” a Diary study, recent publication in Journal of Child health care. Another recent study considered nurses estimates of children’s temperatures and their value in the assessment process. Previously I was involved in a large scale longitudinal study evaluating the changes involved in a reconfiguration of children’s services.
- An earlier study looked at Parental Participation in Neonatal care
- I undertook an MA in Applied Social Research at Manchester and have a continued interest in social research.
- My current interests lie in training and education for children's nursing, parental and children’s experience
Related interests include:
- Therapeutic Relationships
- Communication in health care
- Clinical skills teaching and Simulation
- Children's Nurse Education
- Acute illness
- Day surgery
- Mental health & psychological wellbeing