Projects per year
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The STAR study: Specifying and Transforming our Approaches to managing Recurrent chronic musculoskeletal pain in children and young people
Hyrich, K. (PI), Lee, R. (CoI), Mcbeth, J. (CoI) & Peters, S. (CoI)
1/09/24 → 31/08/29
Project: Research
NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre
Bruce, I. (PI), Lord, G. (CoI), Lennon, R. (CoI), Black, G. (CoI), Wedge, D. (CoI), Morris, A. (CoI), Hussell, T. (CoI), Sharrocks, A. (CoI), Stivaros, S. (CoI), Buch, M. (CoI), Gough, J. (CoI), Kostarelos, K. (CoI), Thistlethwaite, F. (CoI), Kadler, K. (CoI), Barton, A. (CoI), Hyrich, K. (CoI), Mcbeth, J. (CoI), O'Neill, T. (CoI), Vestbo, J. (CoI), Simpson, A. (CoI), Singh, S. (CoI), Smith, J. (CoI), Felton, T. (CoI), Murray, C. (CoI), Griffiths, C. (CoI), Cullum, N. (CoI), Rhodes, L. (CoI), Warren, R. (CoI), Paus, R. (CoI), Dumville, J. (CoI), Viros Usandizaga, A. (CoI), Keavney, B. (CoI), Tomaszewski, M. (CoI), Allan, S. (CoI), Body, R. (CoI), Cartwright, E. (CoI), Heagerty, A. (CoI), Kalra, P. (CoI), Miller, C. (CoI), Rutter, M. (CoI), Smith, C. (CoI), Trafford, A. (CoI), Evans, D. (CoI), Crosbie, E. (CoI), Crosbie, P. (CoI), Harvie, M. (CoI), Howell, S. (CoI), Renehan, A. (CoI), Dive, C. (CoI), Blackhall, F. (CoI), Landers, D. (CoI), Krebs, M. (CoI), Cook, N. (CoI), Clarke, R. (CoI), Taylor, S. (CoI), Jorgensen, C. (CoI), Lorigan, P. (CoI), Jayson, G. (CoI), Valle, J. (CoI), Mccabe, M. (CoI), Armstrong, A. (CoI), Freitas, A. (CoI), Illidge, T. (CoI), Choudhury, A. (CoI), Hoskin, P. (CoI), West, C. (CoI), Van Herk, M. (CoI), Faivre-Finn, C. (CoI), Bristow, R. (CoI), Kirkby, K. (CoI), Birtle, A. (CoI), Mackay, R. (CoI), Radford, J. (CoI), Linton, K. (CoI), Higham, C. (CoI), Munro, K. (CoI), Plack, C. (CoI), Arden Armitage, C. (CoI), Bruce, I. (CoI), Moore, D. (CoI), Saunders, G. (CoI), Stone, M. (CoI), Haddock, G. (CoI), Lewis, S. (CoI), Elliott, R. (CoI), Green, J. (CoI), Lovell, K. (CoI), Morrison, A. (CoI), Shaw, J. (CoI), Bucci, S. (CoI), Ainsworth, J. (CoI), Webb, R. (CoI), Newman, W. (CoI), Banka, S. (CoI), Clayton-Smith, J. (CoI), Payne, K. (CoI), Moldovan, R. (CoI), Wynn, R. (CoI) & Jones, S. (CoI)
1/12/22 → 30/11/27
Project: Research
Transforming outpatient consultations by integrating regular symptom tracking by patients into the electronic health record
Dixon, W. (PI), Arden Armitage, C. (CoI), Bower, P. (CoI), Dowding, D. (CoI), Mcbeth, J. (CoI), Parkes, M. (CoI), Sanders, C. (CoI), Sharp, C. (CoI), Van Der Veer, S. (CoI) & Wilson, P. (CoI)
1/10/21 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
NIHR BioResource for Translational Research - Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Disease (IMID).
Bruce, I. (PI), Barton, A. (CoI), Griffiths, C. (CoI) & Mcbeth, J. (CoI)
1/04/19 → 30/06/26
Project: Research
Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis.
Dixon, W. (PI), Bruce, I. (CoI), Felson, D. (CoI), Hyrich, K. (CoI), Lunt, M. (CoI), Mcbeth, J. (CoI), Mcdonagh, J. (CoI), O'Neill, T. (CoI), Sergeant, J. (CoI), Verstappen, S. (CoI) & Serafimova, I. (Support team)
1/08/18 → 31/07/25
Project: Research
Not started
Centre for Biological Timing
Lucas, R. (PI), Bechtold, D. (PI), Fustin, J.-M. (PI), Ashe, H. (PI), Brown, T. (PI), Blaikley, J. (PI), Brass, A. (PI), Chandola, T. (PI), Durrington, H. (PI), Else, K. (PI), Hepworth, M. (PI), Hunter, L. (PI), Kadler, K. (PI), Kitchen, G. (PI), Loudon, A. (PI), Macdonald, A. (PI), Mcbeth, J. (PI), Milosavljevic, N. (PI), Rattray, M. (PI), Rutter, M. (PI), Sharrocks, A. (PI), Spiller, D. (PI), Storchi, R. (PI), Belle, M. (PI), Meng, Q.-J. (PI), Allen, A. (PI), Dixon, W. (PI), Gibbs, J. (PI), Hazel, A. (PI), Papalopulu, N. (PI), Ray, D. (PI), White, M. (PI) & Chang, J. (PI)
Project: Research
Assembling the Data Jigsaw: Powering Robust Research on the Causes, Determinants and Outcomes of MSK Disease.
Dixon, W. (PI), Brown, B. (CoI), Clarkson, P. (CoI), Dowding, D. (CoI), Holm, S. (CoI), Humphreys, J. H. (CoI), Jani, M. (CoI), Mcbeth, J. (CoI), Nenadic, G. (CoI), Peek, N. (CoI), Pendleton, N. (CoI), Sanders, C. (CoI) & Van Der Veer, S. (CoI)
1/05/20 → 1/03/24
Project: Research
Identifying Digital Endpoints to Assess Fatigue, Sleep and Activities Daily Living in Neurodegenerative Disorders and Immune-mediated Inflammatory Diseases.
Mcbeth, J. (PI), Bruce, I. (CoI) & Parker, B. (CoI)
1/11/19 → 31/10/24
Project: Research
Data driven approaches to estimate the prevalence, incidence, and impact of musculoskeletal conditions in the United Kingdom
Mcbeth, J. (PI)
12/12/18 → 11/12/20
Project: Research
PROvision of Braces for Patients with Knee OsteoArthritis (PROP OA): A Randomised Controlled Trial.
Felson, D. (PI), Borrelli, B. (CoI), Callaghan, M. (CoI), Hodgson, R. (CoI) & Mcbeth, J. (CoI)
1/09/18 → 30/11/22
Project: Research
Harnessing Remote Monitoring Technolog to Identify Treatment Targets for Fatigue in People with Rheumatic Diseases.
Mcbeth, J. (PI), Dixon, W. (CoI) & Druce, K. (CoI)
24/07/18 → 31/07/19
Project: Research
Sleep and Rheumatoid Arthritis Health Related Quality of Life: The Sleep - RA Study.
Mcbeth, J. (PI), Cordingley, L. (CoI), Dixon, W. (CoI) & Lunt, M. (CoI)
4/04/16 → 3/10/19
Project: Research
Cloudy with a Chance of Pain.
Dixon, W. (PI), Ainsworth, J. (CoI), Mcbeth, J. (CoI), Sanders, C. (CoI), Schultz, D. (CoI) & Sergeant, J. (CoI)
1/09/15 → 31/05/19
Project: Research
Arthritis Research UK Centre of Excellence in Epidemiology.
Symmons, D. (PI), Bruce, I. (CoI), Dixon, W. (CoI), Felson, D. (CoI), Hyrich, K. (CoI), Lunt, M. (CoI), Mcbeth, J. (CoI), O'Neill, T. (CoI) & Verstappen, S. (CoI)
1/08/13 → 31/07/18
Project: Research