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TRaNSMIT - A towable RF system for non-invasive sensing and measurement of Arctic sea ice thickness
Marsh, L. (PI)
1/04/24 → 31/03/27
Project: Research
Electromagnetic Sensing Group
Peyton, A. (PI), Fletcher, A. (Researcher), Daniels, D. (CoI), Conniffe, D. (PGR student), Podd, F. (PI), Davidson, J. (Researcher), Anderson, J. (Support team), Wilson, J. (Researcher), Marsh, L. (PI), O'Toole, M. (PI), Watson, S. (PGR student), Yin, W. (PI), Regan, A. (PGR student), Williams, K. (Researcher), Rana, S. (Researcher), Khalil, K. (PGR student), Hills, D. (PGR student), Whyte, C. (PGR student), Wang, C. (PGR student), Hodgskin-Brown, R. (PGR student), Dadkhahtehrani, F. (PGR student), Forster, S. (PGR student), Zhu, F. (PGR student), Yu, K. (PGR student), Xiong, L. (PGR student), Lu, T. (PGR student), Zhang, L. (PGR student), Lyu, R. (PGR student), Zhu, R. (PGR student), She, S. (PGR student), Meng, T. (PGR student), Pang, X. (PGR student), Zheng, X. (PGR student), Bai, X. (PGR student), Zou, X. (PGR student), Ding, Y. (PGR student), Shao, Y. (PGR student), Xia, Z. (PGR student), Zhang, Z. (PGR student), Khangerey, R. (PGR student) & Lawless, B. (Researcher)
1/10/04 → …
Project: Research
A Smart Metal Detector to detect and locate threats (e.g. handguns and knives) for more accurate, efficient and cost effective security screening
Peyton, A. (PI), Marsh, L. (CoI) & O'Toole, M. (CoI)
6/04/20 → 5/07/22
Project: Research