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Christina Littler


Personal profile

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Teaching Areas:


  • GERM 30510 German Language
  • GERM10350 German Cultural Studies
  • LALC 20481 Translating New Writing
  • GERM 30632 New German Identities: Turkish-German Culture
  • LALC 10002 Introduction to World Cinema


  • MA in Languages and Cultures (by research) 
  • MATIS supervision in German-English translation topics
  • MAIC: I convene the course 'Border Crossings: Comparative Cultures of Diaspora' for the MA in Intercultural Communication

Research Students:

I am currently supervisor of one PhD Student, and have supervised ten PhDs to completion:

  • Chris Gribble (2001) Theodor W. Adorno and Paul Celan
  • Elaine Ellery (2006) German-Jewish Literary Expression in the Third Reich with particular reference to Gertrud Kolmar 
  • Kate Roy (2008) Cartographies of Identity in the Works of Emine Sevgi Özdamar and Leila Sebbar
  • Pauline Eyre (2010) Permission to Speak: Representations of the Disabled Body in German Women's Literature of the 1970s and 1980s
  • Rachel Ramsay (2010) Jewish and Turkish Encounters in Contemporary German Language Literature
  • Leanne Dawson (2009) Femme: Representations of Queer Femininities in Post-War German Culture
  • Ahmet Alver (2012) The Politics of Memory: Aesthetics and Narrative in March 12th Novels
  • Sevinc Elaman (2012) Gender Roles and the Image of “New Woman” in the Works of Halide Edip Advar and Edith Wharton
  • Gözde Naiboglu (2015)Beyond Representation: Ethics and Aesthetics of Representation in Turkish-German Cinema since Reunification
  • Joseph Twist  (2015) From Gastarbeiter to Muslim: Cosmopolitan Literary Responses to post-9/11 Islamophobia
  • William Hall Space and Time in the works of Hoffmann and Kleist


I have taught at Manchester University since 1990, was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 1998, and to Professor in 2006. I was Director of Graduate Studies in the former Faculty of Arts (1998-2001), and have continued to be centrally involved in postgraduate teaching and supervision. I am on the editorial board of the leading UK journal in German Studies,  German Life and Letters, and regularly review articles for other journals (The German Quarterly, Seminar, Gegenwartsliteratur). I was a founder member of Women in German Studies and organised its 10th anniversary conference in Manchester in 1998, and I have been actively involved in the Internationale Verein für Germanistik (attending its conferences in Vancouver 1995, Vienna 2000,  Paris 2005 and Warsaw 2010). In Vienna 2000 I co-chaired the panel Geschlechtsforschung und Literaturwissenschaft. From 2006-2008 I was co-director of the AHRC-funded Migration and Diaspora Cultural Studies Network in Manchester. From 2012-2015 I was Germanic Studies representative on the Executive Committee of the University Council for Modern Languages (UCML), and I was President of the Association for German Studies in the UK and Ireland (AGS) from 2017-2020.

Research interests

My research has long been shaped by an interest in migration:  I am completing a book project on Turkish German minority culture, and a co-edited volume on small,  minority and minor literatures in Europe. In both projects my work is informed by the materialist philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, which offers a non-dualistic conceptual framework to approach both issues of cultural difference and disciplinary boundaries. Deleuze's philosophy offers a perspective on 'minor' culture as a transformative force in national cultures, and a way of conceptualising the dynamic interdependence of science, philosophy and the arts. This thinking informs my view of postmigrant culture as transformative and boundary-transgressing, crossing both national boundaries and those between science, technology and the arts. My research has always been concerned with the interface between philosophy and culture. In the areas of post-1945 German Literature, Contemporary Women's Writing, and now migration and minority cultures, I have sought new approaches through a multi-disciplinary, cultural studies framework. My doctoral research on the influence of French phenomenology on the work of Alfred Andersch revised the popular perception that Sartrean existentialism was the dominant post-War philosophical trend in the Federal Republic. In my work on German women's writing, I was committed to developing new methodologies as well as to extending the canon of German literature. This culminated in the co-authored volume Contemporary Women's Writing in German: Changing the Subject (with Brigid Haines, OUP 2004). In my current work on diaspora cultures in German, my concern is not just with inter-cultural communication, but with the redefinition of German culture itself. From 2006 to 2008 I was co-director with Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez  of the AHRC-funded Migration and Diaspora Cultural Studies Network (MDCSN). The Network ran a series of three workshops over two years, and a conference, 'Creolising Europe', in September 2007. In 2009 I co-organised two EU-funded workshops on Creating the Cosmopolitan City with Professor Nina Glick-Schiller, and in 2010 I co-organised a workshop on 'Translating Science'. In 2015 I curated an exhibition at Manchester's Central Library on 'Germans in Manchester', which is due to become an on-line exhibition.

Click on the highlighted link for a list of publications

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

External positions

President, Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland

7 Sept 20177 Sept 2020

Vice-President , Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland

Apr 2014Sept 2017

Editor, German Life and Letters

Nov 1997 → …


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