Maria-Ruth Morello

Maria-Ruth Morello


  • S2.40 Samuel Alexander Building, University of Manchester, Oxford Road

    M13 9PL Manchester

    United Kingdom

  • Dept of Classics and Ancient History, Samuel Alexander Building, University of Manchester, Oxford Road

    M13 9PL Manchester

    United Kingdom

Personal profile

Research interests

Current and future projects

  • Encomiastic Blame:Talking to Rulers in the Late Republic and Early Empire
  • (with Roy Gibson) An Introduction to Pliny the Younger (to be published by CUP)
  • 'Efficient self-sacrifice: devotio and imperium in Livy VIII.1-11'
  • 'The narrative (and other stories) in Ad Fam. 10.'

Further information

My own published research has focused on ancient letters and Latin historiography, but I have been involved in the supervision of PhD students working on (e.g.) Lucan, Roman drama, ancient declamation and Augustan poetry. 


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  • 1 Similar Profiles
  • Philosophical Letters

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    Activity: Participating in or organising event(s)Organising a conference, workshop, exhibition, performance, inquiry, course etcResearch