Personal profile


Postgraduate Supervision

I would be happy to supervise research projects in different areas of semantics and pragmatics, especially (but not necessarily) from a cross-linguistic point of view, as well as (fieldwork-based) descriptive or typologically oriented projects in the area of morphosyntax.  (Note: by pragmatics I mean the pragmatics in the philosophy of language tradition such as speech act theory or (neo)-Gricean theories of implicature. I have no expertise in inter-cultural communication or sociolinguistics.)

Current and Previous Research Students:

  • Pablo Fuentes Opazo (main supervisor, with Dr Graham Stevens): The Semantics of Modality and Tense in Predictive Illocutions: a Cross-linguistic Study in English and Mapudungun
  • Yu Gu (co-supervisor with Dr Graham Stevens): Chinese Definite Descriptions
  • Nathan Duckett (co-supervisor with Dr Graham Stevens): Ascriptives: A Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis of the Covert Propositional Attitude
  • Julia Kolkmann (graduated 2016, co-supervised with Prof John Payne): The Pragmatics of Possession: Issues in the Interpretation of Pre-Nominal Possessives in English
  • Siavash Rafiee Rad (graduated 2012, co-supervised with Prof John Payne): The syntax and semantics of ellipsis in verb phrases in Persian
  • Samuel Awinkeke Atintono (graduated 2013, co-supervised with Dr Andrew Koontz-Garboden): The Semantics and Grammar of Positional Verbs in Gurene: A typological perspective
  • Oliver Bond (graduated 2006, co-supervised with Prof Kersti Börjars): Aspects of Eleme verbal morpho-syntax


  • Senior Lecturer in Linguistics, 2010 - present
  • Lecturer in Linguistics, 2003 - 2010
  • Visiting postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, 2002 - 2003
  • PhD in Linguistics, Stanford University, 2002
  • Visiting researcher at the Center for Machine Translation, Carnegie Mellon University, 1994-1995
  • MSc in Speech and Language Processing, University of Edinburgh, 1994
  • Diplom (equivalent to MA) in Technical Translation, University of Hildesheim, 1993
  • Member of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, the Philological Society, and the Gesellschaft für Semantik
  • Member of the Editorial Board for the online journal Semantics and Pragmatics
  • Reviewer of grant proposals to the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the National Science Foundation (NSF), USA, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada
  • Ad hoc reviewer of article submissions to various journals, including Journal of Semantics, Linguistics and Philosophy, Natural Language Semantics, Semantics and Pragmatics, Linguistics, Pragmatics, and International Journal of American Linguistics

Personal WebPage:

Research interests

  • (Formal) semantics and pragmatics and their interface
  • Quechua linguistics

My general theoretical research areas are (formal) semantics and pragmatics, and I'm particularly interested in cross-linguistic variation. I contribute to the still young but growing field of cross-linguistic semantics/pragmatics by studying a number of issues in Quechua, a language spoken in the Andes, including evidentiality, modality, and quantification. I regularly carry out fieldwork in and around Cusco, Peru.

For an up-to-date list of my publications please visit my personal webpage.


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