6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Michaela Goodwin with the persons below:
Keith Horner, BChD, MSc, PhD, Odont Dr (hc), FDSRCPSGlasg, FRCR, DDR, FFGDP(UK)
- Division of Dentistry (L5) - Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Person: Academic
Reza Roudsari, DDS, MSc, PGDip, MFDS, FDS (Rest Dent), PhD, PGCerEd
- Division of Dentistry (L5) - Senior Clinical Lecturer and Hon Consultant in Restorative Dentistry
Person: Administrative
Martin Tickle, BDS, MSc, FDS [DPH, DDPH] RCS(Eng), PhD
- Division of Dentistry (L5) - Emeritus Professor
Person: Academic