Projects per year
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MAPP: EPSRC Future Manufacturing Hub in Manufacture using Advanced Powders and Processes
Lee, P. (PI), Prangnell, P. (CoI), Preuss, M. (CoI) & Withers, P. (CoI)
1/10/16 → 30/09/23
Project: Research
INFORM 2020 - Molecules to Manufacture: Processing and Formulation Engineering of Inhalable Nanoaggregates and Microparticles
Withers, P. (PI) & Burnett, T. (CoI)
1/10/16 → 31/01/21
Project: Research
Tomographic Imaging CCPi
Withers, P. (PI), Lee, P. (CoI) & Lionheart, W. (CoI)
29/08/15 → 28/08/20
Project: Research
Next Generation Multi-Dimensional X-ray Imaging
Withers, P. (PI), Burke, G. (CoI), Cernik, R. (CoI), Haigh, S. (CoI), Lee, P. (CoI) & Lionheart, W. (CoI)
1/02/15 → 31/01/20
Project: Research
Materials for demanding environments CDT
Withers, P. (PI), Ainsworth, R. (PI), Lindsay, R. (PI), Francis, J. (CoI), Roy, M. (CoI), Wright, M. (Support team), Verheyden, T. (Support team), Al Aboura, Y. (PGR student), Aldhous, P. (PGR student), Anders, A. (PGR student), Armitage, T. (PGR student), Bashat, M. (PGR student), Brown, A. (PGR student), Buxton, O. (PGR student), Cakstins, J. (PGR student), Cassineri, S. (PGR student), Chandarana, N. (PGR student), Chapman, N. (PGR student), Craske, D. (PGR student), Curd, M. (PGR student), Dowhyj, M. (PGR student), Elms, J. (PGR student), Fox, C. (PGR student), Ghosal, A. (PGR student), Giunta, G. (PGR student), Guo, Y. (PGR student), Jahangiri-Haghighi, H. (PGR student), Han, Q. (PGR student), Hernández, M. (PGR student), Hull, G. (PGR student), Iakovakis, E. (PGR student), Jalil, R. (PGR student), Jones, C. (PGR student), Jordanov, M. (PGR student), Kablan, A. (PGR student), Kapousidou, M. (PGR student), Kindermann, R. (PGR student), Kotsovinos, A. E. (PGR student), Kousar, K. (PGR student), Liubercev, S. (PGR student), Manchester, T. (PGR student), Matev, N. (PGR student), Mazzei, G. (PGR student), Mccormack, S. (PGR student), Moorcroft, R. (PGR student), Moulton, J. (PGR student), Nawaz, M. (PGR student), Palko, S. (PGR student), Pearson, W. (PGR student), Ragnauth, H. (PGR student), Raymond, J. (PGR student), Razali, M. (PGR student), Rollings, L. (PGR student), Ruiz, D. (PGR student), Rzeszutek, K. (PGR student), Shore, D. (PGR student), Stoyanov, N. (PGR student), Suleman, T. (PGR student), Supornpaibul, N. (PGR student), Tran, K. (PGR student), Traverse, L. (PGR student), Walsh, M. (PGR student), Wild, J. (PGR student), Taylor, A. (PGR student), Young, J. (PGR student), Xu, X. D. (PGR student) & Wang, H. (PGR student)
1/10/14 → 30/09/22
Project: Research
Using diffracted X-rays to form images with chemical and structural information
Cernik, R. (PI), Lionheart, W. (CoI) & Withers, P. (CoI)
1/09/14 → 31/08/17
Project: Research
CRUK Imaging Centres.
Jackson, A. (PI), Asselin, M.-C. (CoI), Coope, D. (CoI), Dive, C. (CoI), Faivre-Finn, C. (CoI), Herholz, K. (CoI), Hinz, R. (CoI), Illidge, T. (CoI), Manoharan, P. (CoI), Marais, R. (CoI), Matthews, J. (CoI), McMahon, A. (CoI), O'Connor, J. (CoI), Parker, G. (CoI), Stivaros, S. (CoI), Thacker, N. (CoI), Williams, K. (CoI) & Withers, P. (CoI)
1/12/13 → 30/11/19
Project: Research
XRADIA : High Resolution of 4D Imaging of Degradation and Self-repair Processes
Withers, P. (PI), Bailey, C. (CoI) & Lee, P. (CoI)
1/04/12 → 31/03/22
Project: Research
GLOBAL- Manchester Image Reconstruction and ANalysis (MIRAN): Step jumps in imaging by Global Exchange of user pull and method push
Lionheart, W. (PI), Cootes, T. (CoI), Dorn, O. (CoI), Gray, N. (CoI), Grieve, B. (CoI), Haigh, S. (CoI), Harris, D. (CoI), Hollis, C. (CoI), Matthews, J. (CoI), Mccann, H. (CoI), Parker, G. (CoI), Villegas Velasquez, R. (CoI) & Withers, P. (CoI)
1/04/12 → 31/03/13
Project: Research
Structural Evolution across multiple time and length scales
Withers, P. (PI), Cartmell, S. (CoI), Cernik, R. (CoI), Derby, B. (CoI), Eichhorn, S. (CoI), Freemont, A. (CoI), Hollis, C. (CoI), Mummery, P. (CoI), Sherratt, M. (CoI), Thompson, G. (CoI) & Watts, D. (CoI)
1/06/11 → 31/05/16
Project: Research