10 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Rebecca Turner with the persons below:
Lucie Byrne-Davis, BSc(Hons) MSc PhD CPsychol FAcSS PFHEA FEHPS
- Medical Education (L5) - Professor of Health Psychology
Person: Academic
Joanne Hart, PhD, CPsychol, AFBPsS, PFHEA, FAcSS, FEHPS
- Medical Education (L5) - Professor
Person: Academic
Lisa Brunton
- Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care (L5) - Research Associate
Person: Academic
Christopher Keyworth, PhD, CPsychol. FHEA
- Division of Psychology & Mental Health (L5) - Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Academic
Rachael Powell, PhD CPsychol
- Division of Psychology & Mental Health (L5) - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Pauline Whelan
- Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences (L5) - Information Systems Manager
Person: Academic