12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Thomas Butler with the persons below:
Julie Gibbs
Person: Academic
Robert Maidstone
- Division of Immunology, Immunity to Infection and Respiratory Medicine - Research Fellow
Person: Academic
Polly Downton
- FBMH Platform Sciences, Enabling Technologies & Infrastructure - Experimental Officer
Person: Technical
Joanne Konkel
- Division of Immunology, Immunity to Infection and Respiratory Medicine - David Phillips Fellow
Person: Academic
Hannah Durrington, MB BChir (Cantab) MA FRCP PhD
- Division of Immunology, Immunity to Infection and Respiratory Medicine - Clinical Senior Lecturer (Hon Cons Stat)
Person: Academic
Andrew Brass, BSc, PhD
- Human Computer Systems - Professor of Bioinformatics
- Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences (L5) - Professor of Bioinformatics
Person: Academic
Matthew Hepworth, BSc, PhD
- Division of Immunology, Immunity to Infection and Respiratory Medicine - Sir Henry Dale Fellow
Person: Academic
David Ray
- Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology & Gastroenterology (L5) - Honorary Professor
Person: Academic
John Mclaughlin, BSc (Hons) MB ChB(Hons) PhD FRCP
- Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology & Gastroenterology (L5) - Professor of Gastro & Nutrition
Person: Academic
John Grainger, BSc, MRes, PhD
- Division of Immunology, Immunity to Infection and Respiratory Medicine - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic