2024 MDC Excellence Award Winners - Best Contribution to PGR Environment - recognising the outstanding achievement or contribution of PGRs towards the enhancement of the research environment.

Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)


Kenn has played a pivotal role in ensuring that the PhD community in the Politics Department is a vibrant, welcoming, and successful space. During the uncertainties we all experienced during lockdowns, Kenn was integral in fostering an inclusive, supportive, and upbeat atmosphere for all PhD researchers. Since then, he has maintained this dedication, without pausing for a moment’s acknowledgement. Over three years as a Representative, Kenn has been an ever-present ally, from lobbying successfully on behalf of his peers’ needs, to supporting colleagues when applying for external funding. We will miss him now that he has completed his PhD - he has made our PGR Environment a more interconnected, confident, and developmental place.
