Re-thinking Urban Natural Resource Management through Multiple Ways of Knowing (WOK-UE; 8.7MSEK; €840k)

  • Ernstson, Henrik (Recipient), Graham, Marnie (Recipient), Sörlin, Sverker (Recipient), Battersby, Jane (Recipient), Storm, Anna (Recipient) & Elmqvist, Thomas (Recipient)

Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)


Principal Investigator (8.6MSEK). Awarded 3-year Formas research grant: “Re-thinking Urban Natural Resource Management through Multiple Ways of Knowing (WOK-UE)”. Lead writer of proposal. PI: Henrik Ernstson; Co-Is: Thomas Elmqvist (ecologist) Stockholm University; Jane Battersby (cultural geographer) University of Cape Town; Anna Storm (historian), KTH and now at Stockholm University; Sverker Sörlin (historian) KTH; Marnie Graham (PhD student). 8 667 000 SEK.
Degree of recognitionInternational
Granting OrganisationsSwedish Research Council for Enviroment, Agriculture, Sciences & Spatial Plannin

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Manchester Urban Institute
