Lead Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. Nadya Araujo Guimarães, Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning and University of São Paulo , Brazil
UK Team: - UK PI: Dr Louisa Acciari, University College London (UCL), UK - Co-Investigator: Dr Sabah Boufkhed, HCRI, University of Manchester, UK
The project “Who Cares? Rebuilding Care in a Post-Pandemic World” is a 3 year-long international project, coordinated by 6 countries: Brazil (lead PI for the call), Canada, Colombia, France, UK and US. It was awarded the highly-competitive T-AP (TransAtlantic Platform) Recovery, Renewal and Resilience Call Award. Each country has their own national funding and a national Principal Investigator and team, in the case of the UK, the team is made of LA and SB, who are funded by the ESRC / UKRI.
The project seeks to uncover and understand the matrix of care provision that is fragmented and uncoordinated, and the resultant overlapping, inconsistent and at times competing polices and regulations shaping care work and its provision at different levels of governance. Rebuilding a robust and more resilient care organization requires a comprehensive understanding of the care economy and entails learning from innovative initiatives in different countries.