The Institute for Cultural Practices (ICP) is proud to play a leading role in the AHRC Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC), a national research project and centre of excellence exploring evidence for the creative industries across the UK. The Creative Industries includes Advertising and Marketing; Architecture; Crafts; Design; Film, TV and Radio; IT and related services; Publishing; Museums and Galleries; Music and the Arts. The PEC, which is funded by the national Industrial Strategy research consortium (involving 10 partner institutions across Scotland, England, Wales and N. Ireland), has been undertaking research, knowledge exchange and policy engagement with creative industry development agencies, policy makers, practitioners and trade bodies in the UK and overseas since its inception in 2018. The PEC project provides evidence for the creative industries to both government and industry, helping to shape policy surrounding the changing nature of creative careers (including digital media, VR/AR, gaming, and design, music and performing arts, screen industries).
At The University of Manchester, the ICP is a hub for creative industries research, and part of Creative Manchester. Dr Abigail Gilmore, Senior Lecturer in Arts Management and Cultural Policy, is a Co-Investigator for the PEC. Dr Zoe Bulaitis joined the project as Research Associate in April 2019, followed by Dr Victoria Barker. The current Research Associate is Dr Claire Burnill-Maier. The ICP is leading on research into understanding the development of local strategies to creative places (cities, clusters, towns), the contemporary challenges facing creative arts and humanities education institutions and the role of universities in creating cultural opportunities and careers, and the importance of valuing arts and humanities approaches to valuing the creative industries. The PEC builds connections between The University of Manchester and the city and offers students in the ICP, cultural practitioners, and local industrial partners opportunities to engage with national policymaking agendas.