Cognition and Language in Education: Application and Research SIG

Project Details


Cognition and Language in Education: Application and Research


Special Interest Group Leads:

Kelly Burgoyne

Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Education

[email protected]

Sarah MacQuarrie

Senior Lecturer in Psychology of Education

[email protected]


About the group:

Group Aims: To provide a supportive and collaborative environment for those with research interests in cognition and language and how they relate to education.   


We meet three times a year, usually on campus. The group is a mixture of academics, researchers, postgraduate students and collaborators who are interested in learning more about the research area.

New members are always welcome – email Kelly/Sarah to join.


Across our group we have a range of topics (or SIG Foci) that crop up in our meetings and activity. These are:

Development and evaluation of educational interventions/training programmes targeting communication, language and/or cognition.

Typical and atypical development, from infancy to adulthood.

Educational inclusion of individuals for cognitive and language learning.

Working with a range of people – families and professionals - to support learning and development.

Range of methodologies including experimental, longitudinal, survey, RCTs, qualitative studies.

Effective start/end date1/01/221/01/27


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