Project Details


What are we trying to do?

An interdisciplinary, multi-organisational research project seeking to establish a creative health coalition to address health inequalities and inequities in Greater Manchester.

Why is this important?

We know that creative health has the potential to support brain health and protect against risk factors for dementia. Exploring barriers and enablers to accessing creative health opportunities for those in mid to later life is important for aging well.

How are we doing it?

By mapping creative health assets in Greater Manchester, using data collated from various Greater Manchester-based groups, Organisations of Hope is building a creative health coalition that brings together communities and organisations to address health inequities across the city region.

Creative health assets might include a park, a dance club, a choir or a community centre. We want to understand where these assets are and what residents would appreciate more of in their neighbourhoods.

Dr Helen Hawley-Hague led the work exploring how those aged 50+ access creative health assets, with a particular focus on brain health. There is an intention to continue to develop this work.

Who are we working with?

* Creative Manchester

Who is funding this?



November 2023 to November 2024. The consortium is still working together on future grants.
Effective start/end date1/11/2231/07/23


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