Project Details

Short titleR:KAB BANS7
Effective start/end date19/04/2118/04/23


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  • PCYT2-regulated lipid biosynthesis is critical to muscle health and ageing

    Cikes, D., Elsayad, K., Sezgin, E., Koitai, E., Ferenc, T., Orthofer, M., Yarwood, R., Heinz, L. X., Sedlyarov, V., Miranda, N. D., Taylor, A., Grapentine, S., Al-Murshedi, F., Abot, A., Weidinger, A., Kutchukian, C., Sanchez, C., Cronin, S. J. F., Novatchkova, M. & Kavirayani, A. & 18 others, Schuetz, T., Haubner, B., Haas, L., Hagelkruys, A., Jackowski, S., Kozlov, A., Jacquemond, V., Knauf, C., Superti-Furga, G., Rullman, E., Gustafsson, T., McDermot, J., Lowe, M., Radak, Z., Chamberlain, J. S., Bakovic, M., Banka, S. & Penninger, J. M., 20 Mar 2023, In: Nature Metabolism.

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