Project Details


REaDAPt - Relationship Education and Domestic Abuse Prevention Tuition – was a two year project funded by the European Commission’s DAPHNE III violence prevention programme. The project aimed to help young people cope with the effects of domestic violence and enhance their resilience to it. The project's focus included domestic violence perpetrated by parents and step-parents, as well as within young people's own dating relationships. 

When the project was launched there was an absence of rigorously evaluated educational interventions designed to help children across Europe know how to respond should domestic abuse in their own and their parents' relationships. REaDAPt aimed to overcome this by conducting a systematic evaluation of three educational programmes in England, France and Spain respectively. The findings of this evaluation were used to inform a new programme – the REaDAPt Programme. The REaDAPt programme and its accompanying Educational Toolkit was implemented in schools in Malta and evaluated to assess its impact on young people’s attitudes towards domestic violence. The Maltese Commission on Domestic Violence required schools in Malta to implement the programme nationwide to ensure the country's compliance with the Istanbul Convention on combating violence against women. 

This website showcases the project outputs, including the evaluation reports, the Educational Toolkit, it Research Toolkit and the film - Through a Child’s Eyes. These resources, designed for teachers and other practitioners working with children and young people, are free to use and download. The REaDAPt brochure provides an overview of the whole project and is available in English, French and Spanish.

First Evaluation Report

Over 2000 young people participated in the evaluation of three European domestic abuse prevention education programmes: Relationships without Fear (Stoke on Trent, England); Filles et Garçons, en route pour l'Egalité (Toulouse, France), and LaMáscara del Amor (Murcia, Spain). They completed the Attitudes towards Domestic Violence Questionnaire (ADV) questionnaire before and after they received one of these interventions, to assess whether the programme was having an effect. Some of the young people also took part in focus groups to discuss what they liked/disliked about the programmes and suggested areas for improvement. The report of this evaluation is available using the links on the right hand side.

Second Evaluation Report

Some of the young people who received Relationships without Fear also completed follow-up questionnaires three months after the intervention to determine if attitude change had been maintained. The findings of the follow-up questionnaires are outlined in the Second Evaluation Report. The findings of these evaluations, together with lessons which those looking to establish new preventative programmes might wish to consider, are set out in the academic publications linked in at the bottom of this page.

Educational Toolkit

The REaDAPt Educational Toolkit is a free to use curriculum that can be used or modified to help young people respond to domestic violence in their own and their parents' relationships. The Educational Toolkit consists of lessons and activities that can be used by teachers and practitioners to deliver a domestic abuse prevention education programme to young people aged 12-18 years. It is available as a Word document - with versions in English, Spanish, French and Maltese - so that educators can modify the activities to suit the needs, interests, ages and ability levels of their students. The Toolkit can be considered as a catalogue of activities that teachers/practitioners can choose from when implementing their own domestic abuse prevention education programme. The Toolkit is split into six modules and we recommend that educators spend at least one hour delivering a selection of the material from each module. In particular, teachers are encouraged to include Module 6 of the Toolkit in their intervention. This module focuses on how children can seek help when experiencing domestic abuse and requires teachers to outline legal, criminal justice and other services for those confronted by domestic abuse.

Through a Child’s Eyes

In this film, a young boy talks about his experience of witnessing his father being violent towards his mother. He tells his story through pictures he has drawn. The film highlights a child’s perspective in domestic violence situations and encourages children to share the film with their teachers. The film is available in French and English following the links below. If you use the film, please credit Bruno Podalydes, (2006) production lesfilms du poisson. The Spanish script for this film are available on the right hand side. 

Research Toolkit

It is essential that domestic abuse prevention education programmes have an impact on young people’s attitudes towards domestic violence, as well as capturing their interest. The Research Toolkit - which is available in English, French and Spanish - provides comprehensive advice on how to conduct an evaluation of this type of programme. The Research Toolkit includes a copy of the Attitudes towards Domestic Violence Questionnaire (Fox & Gadd, 2012), and is free to download using the link on the right hand side. Visitors to this website, including teachers, practitioners and students are welcome to use the questionnaire without seeking permission from the authors, as long as they cite Fox, C.L., & Gadd, D. (2012) with this website address.

Short titleR:HWZ HWZ EU Daphne Gadd
Effective start/end date1/03/1128/02/13

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


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  • REaDAPt Final conference

    Gadd, D. (Participant)

    22 Jan 2013

    Activity: Participating in or organising event(s)Participating in a conference, workshop, exhibition, performance, inquiry, course etcResearch
