Scoping the Integration of Simulation Based Education in the Delivery of Healthcare Education Programmes Delivered within the North of England.

Project Details


Simulation-based education provides opportunities for learners to develop and improve their skills and competencies in a safe environment without the associated risk to patient safety (Naik & Brien, 2013).

Unlike experience gained in practice, where the needs of the patient are paramount, simulation exercises are centred upon the particular needs of the learner and can be tailored to meet required learning outcomes.

Purpose of research study

Many higher education institutions and NHS Trusts have already introduced simulation-based education as part of pre-registration healthcare education programmes.

This has required notable investment in educator development, the production of
teaching resources, and investment in simulation equipment and infrastructure facilities to support the effective integration of simulation-based education approaches.

This study was commissioned by Health Education England (HEE) North, to scope the integration of high-fidelity simulation-based education in the delivery of undergraduate/ pre-registration healthcare professional education, and to explore opportunities for further expansion.

It did so by undertaking a review of existing evidence (review of reviews), and an online survey and qualitative telephone interviews with simulation educators in NHS Trusts and universities. 
Relevant stakeholders were brought together in a final face-to-face event, where preliminary findings were ‘sense-checked’ and input was sought into recommendations for HEE North.
Short titleR:KCD SCHE9
Effective start/end date31/03/1828/02/19


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