Social Care and Society

Project Details


Social Care and Society is home to a critical mass of researchers and professionals undertaking interdisciplinary research on social care, mental health and long-term care.

SCS absorbed the Personal Social Services Research Unit research group and will continue to be one of the leading social care research groups in the UK. Our new name reflects a broader set of themes and collaborations in The University of Manchester, nationally and globally.

SCS is directed by Catherine A Robinson, Professor of Social Care Research and lead for the NIHR Research Support Service, Specialist Centre for Social Care. Dr Paul Clarkson is the Deputy Director of SCS and social care lead for the Greater Manchester Clinical Research Network. The Group brings together expertise across research disciplines and sectors and includes social science, social work, psychiatry, policy analysis, health economics and psychology.

We are interested in the social contexts and socio-economic factors of care, including inequalities. Our overarching aim is to conduct high quality research on social and health care to have translational application by doing the following.

• Sustaining a critical mass of researchers in a dynamic and vibrant research environment.
• Conducting high-quality research to inform social and health care in the UK and internationally.
• Developing interdisciplinary research and methods to address complex questions.
• Strengthening research capacity in the UK and internationally.
• Working with people who use services and policy makers, commissioners, and professionals and managers working in the fields of health and social care.

Our team of researchers have experience in applied social care and health services research including clinical trials, social work, nursing, psychiatry, qualitative analysis, multivariate modelling and local authority data analytics. SCS has a strong foundation and brings together a number of experienced researchers and groups. It will adapt and develop its own distinct style and areas of particular interest and expertise. 
We are a founder member of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) School for Social Care Research (SSCR) and work across the NIHR infrastructure, supporting the building of research capacity in social care, enabling social care providers and social workers to join and bid for research funding, supporting the recruitment of participants to social care studies and making possible more innovative arrangements for public involvement and engagement in health and care research. 

Our research

Our research programmes include and have included:

• NIHR School for Social Care Research (SSCR) at The University of Manchester
• Effective Home Support in Dementia Care: Components, Impacts and Costs 
• The South Asia Self Harm Initiative (SASHI)
• Dementia Person Aligned Care Team (D-PACT) at The University of Manchester
• Social Care in Prisons
• Mental Health Social Care
• Data Analytic Partnership, Manchester City Council Adult Social Care

Key findings

At SCS, we have developed four themes to our work. These are:
Global Health and Care; Social Care; Mental Health; Long-Term Care

Our cross-cutting theme is Developing Research Capacity in these areas. This we are doing through the development of research staff; by working with local authority and NHS colleagues, including the NIHR infrastructure around participant recruitment for research.

We are also collaborating with organisations, both within the University of Manchester and externally.

Professor Catherine Robinson is:
♦ Social Care Lead, Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) Greater Manchester
♦ Co-Director, Institute of Health Policy and Organisation, University of Manchester
Dr Paul Clarkson is:
♦ Social Care Specialty Lead, NIHR Clinical Research Network Greater Manchester
♦ Member, Digital Health and Care Working Group, Christabel Pankhurst Institute, University of Manchester
♦ Research Partner, Age Care Technologies (International population studies with ACT Assessment)
Short titleSCS@Manchester
Effective start/end date4/10/19 → …

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


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