Social impairment consequences of early maltreatment and neglect (SoCial)

Project Details


The main aim of SOCiAL was to improve understanding of how and why children who experience adversity in their early lives sometimes go on to show emotional and behavioural difficulties that persist despite subsequent improvements in their care (i.e. through adoption or fostering).

This is a very important task since some of these children may suffer poor long term adjustment and are arguably one of the most vulnerable groups within our society today. Better understanding of these difficulties could help us to identify new targets for intervention and improved methods of assessment.

The aims of the SOCiAL study were to:

•characterise the nature of social difficulty and functioning in children who have experienced early adversity;
•understand the underlying cognitive mechanisms of social functioning;
•learn more about the complex interplay between genetics and the environment in contributing to social difficulties in children;
•assess longitudinal stability of social difficulties and examine associations with long-term functioning and placement outcomes in adopted children.

Following this study, a two-year follow-up was conducted to assess longitudinal stability of social difficulties and further examine associations with long-term functioning and placement stability in adopted children.
Short titleR:KAF GREJ7
Effective start/end date1/05/1130/12/12


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