Understanding the mechanisms controlling low potential stress corrosion cracking in nuclear reactors

Project Details

Short titleR:ELZ stress corrosion crackin
Effective start/end date1/12/1731/05/21


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  • MPC: Materials Performance Centre

    Burke, G. (PI), Engelberg, D. (PI), Preuss, M. (PI), Frankel, P. (PI), Jimenez-Melero, E. (PI), Pickering, E. (PI), Scenini, F. (PI), Stevens, N. (PI), Race, C. (PI), Connolly, B. (PI), Abdallah, M. (PGR student), Armson, S. (PGR student), Attar, H. (PGR student), Barron, P. (PGR student), Bird, J. (PGR student), Brown, A. (PGR student), Bruce, K. (PGR student), Buxton, O. (PGR student), Cassineri, S. (PGR student), Cattivelli, A. (PGR student), Chen, W. (PGR student), Collins, J. (PGR student), Debenham, L. (PGR student), Eaton-Mckay, J. (PGR student), Eguchi, K. (PGR student), Foster, D. (PGR student), Fox, C. (PGR student), Garrett, A. (PGR student), Gredis, A. (PGR student), Grime, T. (PGR student), Hou, J. (PGR student), Howe, B. (PGR student), Hughes, J. (PGR student), Hunt, C. (PGR student), Islam, U. (PGR student), Jalil, R. (PGR student), Jones, C. (PGR student), Kablan, A. (PGR student), Kapousidou, M. (PGR student), Koc, O. (PGR student), Kroll, R. (PGR student), Lang, R. (PGR student), Lennard, J. (PGR student), Liubercev, S. (PGR student), Mahmood, S. (PGR student), Maric, M. (PGR student), Martin, C. (PGR student), Mazzei, G. (PGR student), Rigby-Bell, M. (PGR student), Rogers, M. (PGR student), Sanchez, C. (PGR student), Shah, Z. (PGR student), Stavroulakis, E. (PGR student), Stuglik, P. (PGR student), Suleman, T. (PGR student), Supornpaibul, N. (PGR student), Thornley, S. (PGR student), Volpe, L. (PGR student), Wang, H. (PGR student), Wilson, M. (PGR student), Wilson, A. (PGR student), Woodward, T. (PGR student), Wylie, A. (PGR student), Xu, X. D. (PGR student), Yankova, M. (PGR student), Yildirim, E. (PGR student), Zhou, Y. (PGR student), Zhu, S. (PGR student), Barzdajn, B. (CoI), Carruthers, A. (CoI), Cassineri, S. (CoI), Chang, L. (CoI), Obasi, G. (CoI), Palko, S. (CoI), Reccagni, P. (CoI), Tang, R. (CoI), Thomas, R. (CoI), Unnikrishnan, R. (CoI), Zhang, Z. (CoI), Zhou, Y. (CoI) & Aspinall, A. (Support team)

    1/01/02 → …

    Project: Research