22@BARCELONA: Un distrito de innovación en disputa

Translated title of the contribution: 22@BARCELONA: An innovation district in dispute

Greig Charnock (Editor), Jose Mansilla (Editor), Ramon Ribera-Fumaz (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


What can other cities, and indeed the people who live out their daily lives within them, learn from Barcelona’s innovation district "model"? Upon investigation, will they find in the 22@ district all that an innovation district is supposed to represent: "the creation and commercialisation of new ideas and support [for the metropolitan economy] by growing jobs in ways that leverage their economic attributes"? Will they find in 22@ a district that "builds on and revalues the intrinsic qualities of cities: proximity, density, authenticity, and vibrant places", so that, importantly, "their intentional development can be a tool to help connect disadvantaged populations to employment and educational opportunities"? This book represents a collective effort by researchers who know the Barcelona case well to try to cast light on these questions and on the real example set by this ‘model’ city over the last two decades.
Translated title of the contribution22@BARCELONA: An innovation district in dispute
Original languageSpanish
Place of PublicationBarcelona
PublisherIcaria editorial
Number of pages226
ISBN (Print)9788419778284
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jul 2023

Publication series

NameAkademia sociologia


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