3D Digitisation of Cultural Heritage: Copyright Implications of the Methods, Purposes and Collaboration

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


3D technology is increasingly used in the digitisation of cultural heritage and while parties engaging in such projects need copyright as an incentive, the copyright status of such 3D models are unclear. It is usually assumed they would not be protected, as the scans of existing objects are less likely to be original compared to the 3D models created from scratch. However, it is often overlooked that these projects vary greatly in terms of the chosen method (whether it is laser scanning or photogrammetry), the project's purpose (if it is for identical copying or if there is any restoration or creative contribution involved) and the collaboration of different people (ranging from employees to volunteers). This article will discuss the copyright implications of the chosen method, purposes and the level of collaboration, in order to show that each of these factors impact the category, originality and the authorship of the resulting work. It will be argued that it is possible, and in some instances very likely, for 3D projects to lead to protectable outcomes under the EU copyright law.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)149-159
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2020


  • 3D
  • Copyright law
  • Cultural heritage
  • Laser scanning
  • Originality
  • Photogrammetry
  • Three dimensional


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